
jvpewster t1_j2fqs9c wrote

I’m only half being ironic. I’ve honestly never witnessed a grassroots initiative started before my eyes and it’s been fascinating to watch over the last 4 years in the US. I’m rooting for Bike Gang.

I don’t think equating a traffic accident with murder can be anything other then rhetorical though, so I do honestly agree with what you replied. Just want to make sure Bike Gang knows I’m one of the Good Ones and won’t bash me with a kickstand in 5 years when this inevitably reaches its boiling point


jvpewster t1_iufgq6h wrote

>most businesses don’t pay most of their employees 6 figures

Neither does the T, or even close to that. It’s the top scale, so the most experienced workers. Most businesses do pay 6 figures to their most experienced employees in roles for careers.

I’m sorry you’re living in a fantasy world if you think you could pay less and hold onto anyone for 5+ years in this economy. 100k a year is enough to buy a very modest house in an area with bad schools now. It’s middle class.


jvpewster t1_itbsge4 wrote

Lol a single lab with vague connections to an even more vague “external entity” is not icarus. Belco labs in Florida had political connections but no one called for George H’s culpability because that’d be moronic.

You can reach all you want to try and make that comment look better but on so many levels it was dumb.


jvpewster t1_itaocp9 wrote

Romania was communist, but was always uniquely integrated with the western bloc. It was an independent member of UN in the 50s and aligned more closely with China following the sino Soviet split.

For most of Simona’s life Romania has been a part of NATO and about half of it they’ve been full on members of the EU

This comment being upvoted as dumber then connecting Lance Armstrong and Mark McQuire in a narrative to say Americans are predisposed to cheating.

Athletes seek competitive advantages sometimes. She got caught, and unless there’s evidence of a state conspiracy I don’t see how it’s related to the systematic doping in Russia.