
jweezy0215 t1_j81y69h wrote

Our local plant has 2 unions that have won over 5.1 mil in grievance settlements over the last 3 years.. may not think they serve ur every interest but our locals here are doing a great job .. there is an article in the news leader from back in October 22 about it. Plenty of clerks , mail handlers and carriers clear 100k easy with OT and new clerks are all starting at 20 an hr now.


jweezy0215 t1_j81wt2p wrote

If u need a washer and dryer for a short term fix or wanna do a 90 or 120 days same as cash plan then rental stores are great! Just don't go the 2 or 3 year route that's when it gets crazy.... national TV rental and sales on kearney is good.


jweezy0215 t1_j6hwz9l wrote

Just got home from work.. def slick.. turning lanes real slick and stopping wasn't easy but take it slow and give yourself plenty of room you'll make it.. scary part isnt yourself as much as trusting others some going slow some still going way to fast .. be safe out there