
k30000 OP t1_ix89tzn wrote

Trust me, I also think that a shave down would be best. Ultimately it is not my cat, it is my neighbors. She is sick, elderly, and might not make it out of the hospital. This cat is her only family and she loves the cat’s long hair.

Out of due diligence to her, I just want to get recommendations for a good groomer to see if it is at all possible to get the mats out and preserve any of the fur length. If the groomer says it’s not possible or will be too painful for the cat, I’ll have her shaved.


k30000 OP t1_ix6gt29 wrote

Reply to comment by foxy-coxy in Cat Groomer Recommendations? by k30000

Thank you for the recommendation. I agree that a shave down would be best. But the owner doesn’t want that. Although I think that is what is going to have to happen anyways. Out of due diligence to my neighbor, I’d just like to see if it’s at all possible to get the mats out and preserve the fur length. If the groomer says it’s not possible or will be too painful for the cat, I’ll just have her shaved. The poor cat has had her world turned upside down with her owner’s illness and now absence. I want to do what is best for her.


k30000 OP t1_ix6gd5c wrote

I have a Persian cat of my own. I groom him myself to save money. Only baths and brushing. I don’t cut or shave his hair as I don’t have the experience for that and worry about nicking him. I brush him daily but sometimes he’ll still end up with a small mat I brush out.

I’ve never come across a cat with matting like this before so I assumed gently trying to untangle some of the mats with a comb or a brush might help. She won’t let me get near her even with her favorite brush. Hence my decision to take her to be professionally groomed.


k30000 OP t1_ix5qriy wrote

I am worried about that as well. The cat used to love brushing and these mats are definitely traumatic for her. That’s why I haven’t pushed her at all when trying to brush them out (not that she even lets me close enough to try). She is a very sweet cat but shy and used to being alone with her owner.

I’m hoping to find a patient groomer who can be gentle with her. But having medication on board will definitely take the edge off. I want to try to preserve the hair for my neighbor but I’m thinking a sedated groom at the vet might be the best option. It’d be painless and she’d have no memory of any of it. In my opinion, fur grows back. So an uneven shave isn’t a big deal especially if it’s what’s best for the cat.