
kakocastro t1_jdgce31 wrote

You clearly never had to deal with bullies yourself. It’s not just kicking the chair. It’s everything, the constant behaviour, the laughter, the jokes. And sometimes you can’t take it anymore. And today nobody can give a snack to a kid to teach them a lesson. Saying there are other solutions is unrealistic and only someone who has never been bullied believes it. Do you know what teachers did when I complained about being bullied? They talked with the bully. And it would work for a couple of days. The first time I fought back and knocked out one of them, I became the "dont fuck with him guy". its not up to OP to educate the bully. But it is up to OP to not let people fuck with her. I dont go around hitting people now at work. because I can reason with them. As a kid, bullies didnt understand reason. they understood getting their asses kicked.


kakocastro t1_jdgazwk wrote

Been there, done that. Feel it, don’t let it consume you. Unfortunately people sometimes need to get smacked to learn a lesson. I’m glad you can defend yourself. You’re not the first kid getting into a fight. And most likely it won’t be your last. Next time try to wait until nobody else is seeing and make sure she doesn’t forget and you’ll never have to fight her again.


kakocastro t1_j2cw3ch wrote

I hope she dumps your cheating ass. You suddenly forgot you had a girlfriend? You didn’t. You made a choice. You chose to go to your ex’s house. You chose to stay there too long. You chose to get intimate. You chose to cheat. You are an horrible person and now you want to play the victim.