
kalaminu t1_j64mexd wrote

Ofc they're not but my point still stands. Doin nothing will be more expensive in the long run, both in financial terms and human costs.

The sensible ones of us know that the real polluters and wasters is big business who have done a very effective job of convincing the public they need to recycle when we all know that waste is their #1 product. And don't get me started on the super rich buzzing around on their private jets pumping out more co2 that whole countries.


kalaminu t1_iyhnnds wrote

I'd you as an employee thinks HR is there for you, you're a fucking idiot!!!

HR are there for 1 thing only and that is to do the best thing for the company and that very rarely matches up to what is best for the employee!!

Screw HR and anyone that works there tbh