
kallie412 t1_jablf6r wrote

I’m a huge bird nerd and have been anxiously awaiting the Bird House to re-open. Your piece of art is incredible. I love the character that went into the birds. I hope this makes them seem more approachable for kids too. Birds are often not the most exciting to children while at the zoo, when there are lions and tigers to wide-eyed gaze at. I was a weird and wonderful kid who liked all the unique animals, so birds have always had a place and my heart and hope this new exhibit and your art opens up the varied species to so many others as well.


kallie412 t1_iy318hl wrote

You’ve lived here for 15 years (just like me) and you think the infrastructure has gotten better? We must be living in two different cities. 2019 and prior, I commuted using metro but upon becoming a disabled cane user who can’t stand for longer than a couple mins, I cannot physically do that commute - especially a transfer. Elevators broken or escalators broken and I’m SOL. The infrastructure is awful here compared to other cities.


kallie412 t1_itjs7qt wrote

heated floors sounds like the worst thing to happen to a metro train.

scenario 1: it's the hottest day of summer. the ac in the metro cars is obviously out and you're shoved into the car like a pack of sardines. but your feet feel like the first circle of hell because...heated floor.

scenario 2: all that food people leave on the metro just stanking and stay lukewarm on the hot floor allllll day.

charging units sound great though.