
kati9617 t1_j9zs5d4 wrote

That is the best advice I believe I have ever heard! Oh wow thank you! I have spent so many years putting my self down. Now I'm desperately trying to get better, I don't know what to say to myself. This actually makes sense! I can say, you're ok, or you're fine doing that, or whatever, but this is a way to say, look I screwed up. It's ok because I'm sad, or mad, or scared or whatever and learn to forgive myself! This is so cool! I love it, thank you so so much!


kati9617 t1_j9zrdnz wrote

Please do not change yourself! You are lucky because there are so many who cannot show emotions so they are in pain and can't let people know. I am the same way! I dont care what people say about you their opinions do not matter!!! If you will surround yourself with positive people, they will not treat you like this. I am trying to distance myself from "friends" who treat me bad. It is the hardest thing I have ever done! But it's working. I'm feeling better, slowly but surely. I have one friend whom I have known for 32 years. Yep. 32 years! But I am slowly letting her know I will not put up with her behavior toward me. Get rid of people who don't make you feel good about yourself