
kbc87 t1_jefd5dk wrote

Do you want to be a landlord or would you rather just invest that money elsewhere?

Guessing you mean buy a house and rent that house out? I doubt your work would let you rent out a house they are providing you.


kbc87 t1_jef229z wrote

Unless you're paying a nanny under the table to take care of your kid, in which you CAN'T use those funds... do it. It's a good way to pay $5k of daycare without paying taxes on those dollars.

For mine, I have to submit invoices and get reimbursed as the money hits the account each paycheck. I usually wait until I have enough to cover 1 month before submitting. My company uses BASIC and it is super easy and fast. You have until I think March of the following year to submit receipts from the previous year to reimburse.


Just remember unused funds will NOT roll over.. so if you are due late this year and won't hit $5k, don't contribute that much.


kbc87 t1_jeee15j wrote

Health insurance. Any lurkers here please note this. GET HEALTH INSURANCE. You may think you’re in perfect health but you never can predict an accident like this. A week long hospital stay is NOT going to be cheap.


kbc87 t1_iy4fek3 wrote

Focus more on the paystub than your tax return.. but yes they look at both and they would see that income and know its not from your paystub.. so they may ask where it came from... they're not just going to take a tax return as your salary.

I'd guess you won't have issues if you have your CURRENT paystub that goes back at least a few months.