
kdmccormick t1_jb4zcov wrote

I'm not completely disagreeing with you, but it's not true that destinations have to be non-residential. The North End is a destination and a neighborhood: people live above all those restaurants. The idea that commercial and residential need to be cleanly separated is weird modern one. People lived above businesses for hundreds of years before mid-1900s zoning laws made it largely illegal to build like that in the US.

All that's to say: another neighborhood of four-story townhouses with shops & restaurants on the first floor would be amazing to have in downtown.


kdmccormick t1_j9kk48w wrote

I think it's purposefully intended to have an autocratic ring to it. Wikipedia:

> Advantages cited for the creation of czar type posts include the ability to go outside of formal channels and find creative solutions for ad hoc problems, and an ability to involve a lot of government players in big issue decision-making, ultimately enabling a huge bureaucracy to begin moving in a new direction.

Maybe something like "Special Climate Overseer" would have the same effect with less historical baggage? Idk. I think in the end what's important is that people listen to them so they can fix things that the existing bureaucracy won't.