
keano97 t1_j5ztg02 wrote

It's prison, where coercion famously happens all the damn time, ever watch a documentary on prisons?

Ye people can sign up for cowboy poker all the live long day, they are free people able to make a free choice. Prisoners do not fit this category

So you'd support gladatorial combat if all the prisoners "consent"

Very civilized.


keano97 t1_j5xllvs wrote

So you just going to ignore coercion.

You are taking a very simplistic view of this.

Your making making claims that I am wrong but don't say why. "It's voluntary" that's your argument, I am saying there are way to many other factors at paly to make it that simple.

If you are not free, then your not free to volunteer.

Admit it, you like the rodeo, and so your willing to sweep it under the rug


keano97 t1_j5so011 wrote


So you admitted I could be right, and then just sweep it under the rug and say no it doesn't.

Go enjoy your uncivilized gladiator matches, should we swing by the dog fighting Pitt on the way home, maybe watch a public hanging with the kids in Sunday?


keano97 t1_j5q5m4f wrote

They could be threatened by other prisoners to do it and hand over the money.

They could be offered perks from authorities

A prisoner is not free, and therefore is not in a position to freely make a choice, especially one so consequential to their well-being.

Also they are literally chained up and caged to, from, and during all but the times they are seated with a live bull rampaging around, so you could say they are dragged there.


keano97 t1_j5q51py wrote

Yes prison, a famously voluntary place

Where no coercion from prion authorities or worse other prisoners ever takes place.

It's totally infeasible that another prisoner wouldn't threaten to kill another I'd they didn't do it and give them the money.

Where authorities wouldn't offer unwritten perks to those that take part in what I imagine is profitable for the prison.

/s just in case that wasn't obvious


keano97 t1_j5owmyp wrote

Well the problem is that sometimes they are prisoners, and how this doesn't qualify as cruel and unusual punishment, I get it's voluntary but how voluntary is something that you use prisoners for?


keano97 t1_ivxdvt3 wrote

The trump admin massively increased deficit spending. And if your refering to the infrastructure bill that will grow the economy. Was building the highways a mistake?

The US is at near record energy production. Gas prices have nothing to do with America. There are massive sanctions on Russia, that is why. Should we just throw Ukraine and it's sovereignty to the side over some slightly more expensive gas. The oil industry is sitting in approved drilling permits cause they like the highly profitable price it currently is at.

What has changed with taxes? Please give me and example of how regular people have to pay more.

What new regulations?

All I see is talking points with no evidence. Non of this has much to do with the Dems.

Name me five policies the republicans have that would help, they haven't named anything except "woke cancel culture" and other buzzwords. Nothing concrete or of any actual meaning.


keano97 t1_ivtomwd wrote

What policies have destroyed the US economy?

Or does it maybe have to do with outside influence like a war and China crippling it's supply chain cause of COVID lock downs?

Also let guess you hate "cancel culture" but appear to be fine with this?

Conservative policies are the death of an economy as they do not invest in the nation's future. Maybe turn off faux news and open a economics book once in a while.

Works in tech therefore progressive is just a ridiculous take.