
keeg2001 t1_iyeq4jk wrote

I could get on board with living in a rural area where we would have access to hunting and fishing. Id absolutely be onboard with buying a lake house in a developed area. What I’m not onboard with is this fantasy where his theoretical future wife lays by the lake all day while he hunts and fishes for food like some kind of modern day pioneer at an off-grid cabin 20 miles from even the tiniest town. But part of me thinks that it’s so unrealistic that we’re going to graduate, the NFL probably won’t happen, and he’s going to be forced to reshape this idea of what his future looks like and whatever that ends up looking like might be something I’m interested in. I went to the cabin last week to visit him during deer hunting. It’s not livable, and it’s not the kind of thing that could be made into a year round home without major money.


keeg2001 t1_iyeozhe wrote

Definitely no kids. I’m not able to have kids, he knows this, he doesn’t want kids. In his fantasy future, his wife lays on the the tiny beach and tans and drives the boat around and looks hot. And he hunts for food, and farms for food, and fishes for food, and chops firewood. It’s pure fantasy.