
kekubuk t1_j67mh75 wrote

I scoffed as I read more on Mister Sunshine supposed crime. The news article said Mister Sunshine used his power and reputation to stole money from several places. The other heroes apprehended him and after a brief trial, he was sentenced to The Rock.

What a damn joke. First off, Mister Sunshine isn’t interested in riches, or he would’ve turned side long ago. He’s always believe in the good cause. Second, the trial is a mockery to justice. He was not represented by any lawyer, the evidence is some blurry videos and the witnesses are too sketchy. It was plain and simple to see, Mister Sunshine was used as a scapegoat by the Legion of Light.

Most of the public doesn’t know this, but there are those in the Legion more suited to be with us in the House of Sins. They smile and wave at the public while robbing them from the back. Cowards, at least we in the House is sincere in our intentions. Mister Sunshine probably stumbled upon these evil in the Legion, and they have to get rid of him fast. I can only imagine being betrayed by those he trusted will do to his already straining psyche..

This is bad. We been sieging the prison close to an hour now and only managed to break through the third level. The data we gained from hacking shows Mister Sunshine is placed at the seventh level, on a special solitary cell. Legion’s reinforcement almost force us to pull back, but the released convict is more than happy helping by keeping them busy. We found a service tunnel that should led us straight through to the seventh level, by passing all the defence and security. We almost managed to crack the code and open the gate of the service tunnel when it happen.

A massive explosion throw all of us back, including the prison’s security and heroes from the Legion. But a second later I felt a pull instead, pulling everything and everyone into the ruin of the prison. Luckily it only lasted for several seconds and we all fall down to the ground. A massive blast and an implosion right after? There’s no prisoner with that kind of power at the prison, unless..

From the burning ruin of the prison a dark figure slowly ascended. Covered in inkling blackness across his body with hints of red all over, he’s no longer Mister Sunshine. His fragile psyche has broken down and the lurking darkness has manifested itself fully. Even from this range I can feel the raw power radiating from him, and it scares me.


kekubuk t1_j63zofb wrote

I first met Mister Sunshine eight years ago when he interrupt my heist job. He flew in straight through the bank's roof and landed in the middle of me and my goons. There stood this middle aged goofy looking hero with his bright multi colored outfit, saying he's here to stop us. We all laughed and made fun of him, until he started moving and taking down my goons. The next thing I was escorted into a police armored transport with my goons in tow. I swore my revenge and declared him my Nemesis, as per tradition.

After more encounters over the year, I started to get to know my Nemesis better. Mister Sunshine is one of those rare few Meta Humans with more than one power manifested. Super strength, speed, and flight, what a combo. And unlike most Meta, his power manifested only recently during his late thirties and not at puberty. His advanced age combined with the rarity of his power has made him the object of envy and ridicules in the heroes community.

I first noticed this during one of an impromptu team fight. It was me and two other villains versus five heroes. Even in the chaos of battle, I can clearly see how the other heroes treated him. The fight ended with us retreating, but it piqued my interest on Mister Sunshine situation. I approached him when we both in civilian mode, to get to know him better. We started to regularly get drinks togethers at a local bar, and slowly we became friends.

Mister Sunshine, or Harold Smith is a simple man. A tad slow, but he's a good man that truly believe in the good of people and tried his best for the cause of good. Originally he's just a regular janitor, not the most interesting job but he's content and happy with it. His world changed when his power manifested and he's recruited to be a superheroes. All the new responsibilities overwhelmed him, but still he tried his best. He confided to me how he knows what the other heroes really thought of him. He may be slow, but he's not stupid...

It was during a rare both side team-up that I first saw it. Both heroes and villains are working together to stop an alien invader and his monstrous hordes. During the fight, I first saw it. We both were fighting a monstrous alien monster and having a hard time, when Mister Sunshine entire demeanor changed. His eyes turned black and he killed the monster with a single blow through it's body, and disintegrated it in mere seconds. His eyes returned back to normal after with his demeanor, and asked where the monster we were fighting went to. I just saw first hand of the darkness lurking underneath Mister Sunshine's psyche...


kekubuk t1_j62s7ob wrote

My blood turned cold when I heard the news, the cup I was holding fell and shattered on the floor. The other villains in the room turned toward me with confusion in their face. It took someone shaking my shoulder to wake me from my shocked silence. I immediately ran as fast as I can to the Inner Circle. I need to do something fast before it's too late!

Curse my last assignment forcing me off world and only returning today, or I could've prevented this event. My nemesis, the superhero Mister Sunshine was charged with misuse of powers and imprisoned on The Rock, the most secure prison made specifically for Meta Humans on the planet. Having been an occupant there myself, I know the place is very well defended and be next to impossible to break into, but we have to try and rescue Mister Sunshine at all cost.

I barge into the Grand Meeting Room of the Inner Circle, interrupting a meeting between several dozen of the most powerful and dangerous villains out there, the ruling cadre of the House of Sins, the villain international organization. They were furious at me for the sudden interruption which is a total breach of one the House primary rules, an act punishable with Death. Not a second later I felt the Red Lady cold Katana at my neck and Ghozmull the Ghost King's spirit claw around my heart, ready to kill me.

I shouted "Opus Absolotum", a secret code known only to those of the Higher Ranks in the House of Sins. Acknowledging it, the Red Lady and Ghozmull pull back and returned to their seat. The Opus Absolotum, absolute need, is a privilege given to a villain by the House of Sins. It's a one in a lifetime Favor that the villain can use for getting helps from the other higher ranking villains without any question asked. Since you can only used it once, it is understandable of it's urgency when someone invoked it.

I told everyone in the room of my urgent plan; to attack The Rock and spring my Nemesis Mister Sunshine out as soon as possible. Some gave me weird look and even angry that I would use my special Favor just to help liberate a goofy hero out of prison. However, they all understand the significance of the Opus Absolotum, and will commit to the prison break plan. In half an hour, we have readied an attack force of almost two thousand individuals and collective powers to destroy a continent. As we made our way to the Prison, I kept thinking about him...


kekubuk t1_j0sps2x wrote

I knew something was up when I woke up that morning on the cold hard floor of my room instead of my bed. Every time this happened in the past, I always got involved with something or someone unexpectedly. I got chased by a crazed woman with an axe who think I am her cheating boyfriend, I got involved in an accident involving the midget mafia, I loss a finger to someone's escaped pet boa, I got blamed for theft by someone who eerily looks like me but an Albino, a half blind Gypsy cursed me for something I do in my previous life, and so much more. I sigh heavily and mentally prepared myself for the day.

Welp, it happens. That is a record for me, fastest event to happen after I woke up. I took a shower, dried myself, wrap the towel around myself, step out of the bathroom, and ended I'm pretty sure my room doesn't have these bright white walls, the smooth metallic floors, and the window looking over Earth and the sun on the background. Am I in space? That's incredible, if you overlook how I ended up here in the first place. Guessing I was abducted by an alien, I decided to just enjoy the ride and continue observing the majestic view. As I try to locate famous landmark on Earth after finding the Great Wall, I hear a door opening with a hiss. I turned toward my abductee and was hit with a second surprise of the day.

When someone mentioned Alien, most people including me, think they look like those little grey men from the Roswell stories, and I can assure you this is not true. The Alien look pretty much like us, only taller (that saying something since I'm pretty myself at six foot, and I have to look upward), two slender arms and legs (three digits, pretty close), a long wavy tail (reminds me of a lizard tail), a normal body (pretty busty if you asked me), and a face (it got black sclera and a bright green pupil that draws you in). The Alien seems to be nervous, as it kept wringing it's hand, which I find adorable. It slowly approach me, and when our eyes met, I can feel it speaking to me in my head. Telepathy too? Neat.

After stumbling over it's sentence several time, I took the initiative and gently say to her to relax and and take a deep breath, and maybe start with an introduction. I introduce myself slowly and gesture for it to do the same. After calming itself, the Alien introduce herself as I'tal of the Yorn'namd Clan, and a researcher currently observing the native population of Earth. I ask why did she took me from my home? And I made another history, seeing an Alien blush. She blushed a deep purple color, and meekly answer she need a date..