
kepler1 OP t1_je4wt0t wrote

This is the best answer, thanks.

I was thinking of not so long ago when we didn't have constantly connected bluetooth/wifi networks in hotels and there had to be some mechanism for codes to be issued without the lock having constant connectivity.


kepler1 t1_j6p9a9m wrote

If what you said in your description is accurate, you just became a landlord of sorts. If your housemate doesn't pay up, you have to evict him and find someone who can, or you're on the hook for the $. Tell him he's got to come up with the money or you can't afford to pay both your rents, and he has to move so you can get a replacement.


kepler1 t1_j6nv2e6 wrote

Why wouldn't they be allowed to do that?

Ask yourself, if you were offering something for sale or rent, you get to state the terms by which you want to sell or rent it to someone.

And it's up to you whether you want to agree to rent / buy on those terms or not. Reset your expectation about whether to be upset or not.

Unless you're in a rent controlled situation where you're guaranteed a rate/term, you decide to renew the lease each time. Or move.


kepler1 t1_j2s73mv wrote

It would be so much more useful if the linked site weren't just a nice-looking page giving the written definitions of the concepts, but actually showed examples of the effects/principles that they're seeking to convey. It's a beautiful website, sure (how much time did the person spend on those symbols/tiles alone?), but not what I expect when someone stands up an entire website to show graphical concepts.

In a way, it is itself an example of the mistake of form over function.


kepler1 t1_j2extgb wrote

In your 401k online account, do you have a tab/menu option that shows sources of contribution? This should be able to tell you if that is a post-tax contribution or you really have contributed too much to pre-tax bucket.


kepler1 t1_j21eegf wrote

Did you stop paying the bill when the phone wasn't delivered? That was a mistake. The best thing would have been to continue paying the bill until the issue was resolved, and get credit for that later with the company. Now it's going to be a much harder thing to get that credit mark reversed, if it ever even is reversible.


kepler1 t1_j21e1bf wrote

Why is it impacting your credit score? Are you not paying the bill? You need to pay the bill while it's under dispute, not because it's the "right thing to do" but because with google you have little other recourse than to wait it out. Otherwise you're just tanking your credit score. I guess there's no point in paying it now, because the damage has been done.

Your case is a replay of this person's same situation:

And DO NOT INITIATE A CHARGEBACK WITH YOUR CREDIT CARD when it comes to Google. They will shut down your accounts, Gmail, etc.


kepler1 t1_iuay4pf wrote

Yes, I agree, that is the main issue and if you can get clear confirmation that that is how the company would handle it, I think you would be in the clear.

If you cannot get that clear confirmation, out of safety I might just enroll assuming that your choices will apply for rest of this year and into next year, and that you will begin your new job's health plan as soon as you start work.

Now here is a bit of gray area up to your discretion/judgement: You might try enrolling in COBRA anyway and submitting claims under your old plan. As you said, you're not supposed to have COBRA once you have another health plan, but maybe the systems are not in sync to tell each other that very well, especially for a new employee enrolling in the middle of a month towards the end of a calendar year. Maybe the worst that could happen is that an expense/claim gets bounced back and you have to claim it under your new plan. (and you would be out the COBRA premium as it didn't end up being used as you thought) It all depends on whether the cost/risk of doing this is worth the difference in out of pocket expenditure you're saving.


kepler1 t1_iuau1md wrote

Your situation is definitely more complicated than usual, so I would get HR verification of your assumptions in writing.

I don't know how your scenario would work unless you mean, you decline coverage as a new employee, and then because it's open enrollment season for 2023, you elect next year's coverage. This may be complicated -- depends on how the company HR policies work. Maybe because you're starting so soon to the end of the year, they assume your choices carry over to 2023? What you want to avoid is a situation / misunderstanding where you declined coverage, and you actually declined it for the next year as well.

So investigate thoroughly with your new company's signup policy.


kepler1 t1_iuad4b2 wrote

I don't know why you would delay your start date at a new job just for this. You don't have to do that.

Here's what you do.

Start your new job, elect your new health coverage.

If you have any medical expenses until the end of the year, you retroactively choose COBRA on your old plan and submit those expenses under that. (if the COBRA coverage cost plus expenses makes it worth while to do this).

If you have no medical expenses, then you simply start using the new plan in the new year.

There may be a minor complication about "coordination of benefits" if you end up having 2 health plans at the same time. You might read the terms of the new job's health coverage for that.