
kester76a t1_ja24ptf wrote

From what I read they died because the government and the firm deemed the risk minimum. So a cheap dead was made on unsafe cladding. The risks were known on all sides but it was a cheaper option and wasn't banned at the time.

In a nutshell unsafe products gets sold off cheaply all the time as long as the sellers aren't liable for it they tend to give zero fucks unfortunately.


kester76a t1_j6mk47u wrote

Extraction would have meant a scan to check where the nerves were and was more expensive. Plus it's done under a local and I was just having the one out.

Hope your extraction goes well. I need to have one later to remove the tooth with the damaged root but it's a wait till it goes bad thing. Glad they got to yours in time.


kester76a t1_j6m29bf wrote

Coronectomy time. I had one of my wisdoms done but it had already damaged the root of the other tooth due to NHS budget cuts.

My expirence of the coronectomy was pretty good. Half an hour OP where they remove the crown of the wisdom tooth and then stitch the root into the gum. Stitches start falling out a day or two later and it heals really quickly. I had paracetamol but probably didn't need it.


kester76a t1_j149dqo wrote

I read an article about a link to poor income areas having a higher rate of pollution. Turns out exposure to lead fumes from cars causes a drop in IQs and an increase in the chance of someone committing a crime.

To make matters worse this lead stays in the soil and can be released into the air at a later date.

I would say living in a healthier environment must have some sort of impact.


kester76a t1_ivqe6li wrote

Depends on the job but anything which is small scale or bespoke means they're not cost effective. Automation isn't new but a designed and built mass capacity machine will easily out perform a robot in most cases.