
kiIIuen t1_j9y1wxj wrote

It was my 18th birthday. I grew up in a loveless family, with an almost contractual relationship with my parents. As long as I did not step out of line and continued my royal duties, they would pay me in a luxurious living. If I broke the contract and followed the whimsy of my heart, punishment and a further restriction of freedom awaited. I was like a nightingale trapped in a birdcage. While I continued to sing, I would be cared for.

I did not particularly care for this arrangement and for my duties to the family and the nation, but I had no power to escape and I had thus frozen my emotions and grown into my role. After all, this was the path of least resistance for me to follow. My whole life was planned out for me, and on this day, I was to be decorated like a doll. Intricate jewels shaped like leaves were interwoven between my locks to match my flame-like hair. Dressed in a gossamer lilac gown embroidered with flowers, in a couple of hours, I was to be paraded like a prize for suitors from all over the world, to be married off in some political alliance.

Perhaps out of the small silver of conscience they possessed, my parents had informed the servants to get me ready early and leave me with a few hours of freedom before the processions begun. I decided to spend it in the garden. This was the one place I could feel, even for a moment, the illusion of freedom. High above the castle walls, overlooking the grand vista of the city. The beautiful wisteria clustered around me and swayed gently in the wind, engaged in a little dance with my fluttering hair and gown. The heavy scent of the flowers mixed with the scent of fresh, chilly air and swirled around in the night. It was still early, and I could still see the full moon in the sky, a beautiful backdrop to the scene.

Suddenly, I noticed a shadowy figure disrupting the serene night scene. It approached so quickly that I barely had time to register the sight. A beautiful serpent of enormous proportions dominating the space before me. It’s body was covered with light blue scales, made stunning with the moonlight falling on them, twinkling and reflecting every way. The dragon shone like a jewel in the reflection of the moon, and two deep, intelligent eyes came face to face with me.

“Do you want to be taken away?”

The booming voice seemed to awake some primordial part resting deep within me, resonating within my body and seeming to envelop the night.

I tilted my chin, looking up at the thing of beauty, the dragon in flight. Freedom personified.


It was a foolish answer, but perhaps it did not matter either way. What difference did it make were I to be whisked away by dragon or man to some unknown land? At least I could appreciate this dragons beauty.


For some unknown reason, the dragons voice felt comforting in a way and I willingly let myself be enveloped in its claws and placed on its back.

“Sleep.” The dragon commanded, and so I slept.

When I came to, I was in a large, gilded cave, glistening with gold specks all over the walls, the soft luminescence beautiful in the dimly lit atmosphere. I could see children running in circles, the sound of free laughter and play that I had never experienced as a child.

“You’re up”, a soft voice remarked.

I turned around. Beside me was seated a beautiful lady in her 20s, with long, silky jet black hair and flashing golden eyes. With some effort, I recalled the events of the previous night.

“What happened? Where am I?”

“Happy adoption day!” I blinked in visible confusion.

She chuckled, her little laugh more melodious than any birdsong I had heard before. It was an easy laugh, giving me the impression that she had given this little speech before to some unknowing others.

“I guess I should explain the situation. I am Eva, the queen of dragons. We have a tradition of allowing each of our kind a little human pet when they turn a hundred if they wanted. Yesterday, you were chosen for adoption by our youngest hatchling. Of course, contrary to belief, we are a peaceful species. If, after meeting her, you want to go back home, we’ll send you on your merry way.”

She gave a thoughtful pause, as if she was carefully picking her next words like strawberries from an abundant field.

“As you know, dragons are powerful. Once you bind yourself to her, you cannot reverse it and you have to serve her for life- no, even after death. It really is a lottery. Some dragons are kind and bond with their humans, and it becomes a beautiful partnership. Others treat their humans like slaves. It all depends on your luck. Oftentimes, we recommend our hatchlings to choose troubled royals as they rarely refuse the offer.”

I turned her words over in my head and recalled the beautiful scene I had witnessed last night. Sapphire scales glittering in the moonlight as their reflections danced every way, the whipping of the wisteria and my lilac gown in the wind as I felt the chill of freedom on my skin.

“Can I meet her?”

“She’s just past here.” Eva gestured to a little doorway near our side of the cave. I nodded my thanks.

I stood before the door, steadying myself with a deep breath. After a few moments, I slowly brought my hand up and knocked, the quick tapping akin to the quickening pace of my heart.

“Come in.”

The booming, primordial voice resounded. I turned the knob, ready to greet a new life of freedom, to fly out of the cage.