
kingtitusmedethe4th t1_jefx2el wrote

It took me a long time to learn how to be assertive without sounding aggressive. Because I like to keep my resentments to myself, when I finally speak up, it typically comes out a little more intensely than planned. Learn to set boundaries early and hold people to those boundaries. I promise it is possible.


kingtitusmedethe4th t1_j595od9 wrote

Man.. as someone who was laid off 5 months ago and has actively applied for nearly 50 jobs a week since I just gotta say I see these posts all the time, and sometimes you do have to wait on the results. I have piling severe medical concerns and my last job took my health insurance 3 months before letting many of us go simply because they didn't want to pay for it.

I have been working my ass off for months and have nothing to show for it. I'm really into music and post my stuff to Soundcloud but the fleeting serotonin boost I receive fades quickly when I realize I'm hungry and have no food. I love climbing but had to cancel my membership because I can't afford it anymore. And I can't afford a bouldering pad to go outside, let alone a rope and gear.

Sorry to be a bummer. I just am really sad and want nothing more than to be able to stream games and post my music, and get better at climbing. But I can't even enjoy those things the few times I can do them because my mind is just focused on this horrible economy and whether or not my lights will be on and car impounded when I get home.


kingtitusmedethe4th t1_j4dmapk wrote