
kitsunenyu t1_j3zjkbo wrote

Reply to comment by -Valued_Customer- in A happy ending?! by Punnchy

He was trying to keep business open, that was when food costs spiked up and he tries to pay his employees fairly as well. I've been a patron of the business since I was a child and I'm 30+ now and it's one of my fav places so I watch his updates - I say this to express not that he is blameless but I am aware of what he was struggling with. He had just opened a new location months prior, that plus rising costs created a lot of chaos and he was working every day multiple shifts to keep business afloat.

In multiple posts he expresses guilt and expresses a lack of organization and not hearing back from the family initially basically let it drop to the wayside as he's human and tired. He later acknowledged he will always ask permission in the future and has profusely apologized for adding to their stress/trauma.

Patrick has a clear record of helping the community over the last decade - especially in covid when food and toilet paper were scarce he sold it at cost not taking profits and has donated multiple times to people in need, to people struggling with food, etc. He has a decent track record as far as I am aware this is his first big screw up.

Again, he isn't blameless, he screwed up, he allowed procrastination and disorganization to hurt someone he intended to help. He's done the groveling, he's paid up, unsure what else he can do other than keep his nose clean and move forward. If this was a trend I would be willing to condemn the place and eat elsewhere, however he's a small business owner trying imo to do his best and treat his people right which is very hard to find these days, especially locally lol.