knoeKNAME t1_j928v0e wrote

I have nothing of relevance or importance to add, but I’ll include some reading material for anyone browsing the comments.

I’ll start by saying I lose my keys A LOT. One night about 10 years ago I get home from work; I park in the back of my apartment, I go to the front to check the mail, I walk back to the back to get into my apartment, then I took my dog for a small walk down the block. That night there was a huge blizzard.

The next morning I realize I can’t find my keys. I search all around the house to no avail. I take a break and then I look again. I still couldn’t find them in any of my usual spots, so now I start to worry that I may have dropped them outside before it started snowing and that I might have to try and find them before the plow guy got there.

So I go out and I start shoveling a path from my door to my car while meticulously checking ever shovelful of that heavy wet snow. When that didn’t turn up anything I do the same thing all the way down the driveway, to the mailbox in the front, and eventually down the block.

After hours of this the sun was going down and I was freezing so I decided to call it quits. I get in the house and get dried up and into warm clothes and slump down on the couch in defeat. And just as I do, I glance at the placemat at the center of my coffee table because I notice something small underneath causing a bulge. I just closed my eyes in annoyance and shook my head slowly because I knew it was going to be my keys, and it was.

The other one happened a couple months ago at a Cumbys. I had parked directly in front of the store, walked right to the drinks, went straight to the counter, and then right back to my car. It took me all of 2 minutes but when I got back to my car I couldn’t find my keys. The door was unlocked so I searched all around inside and around my car. When I couldn’t find them I retrace my steps in the store. I noticed a couple late teens/young adults hanging around the store not doing anything but I don’t immediately think anything of it.

I still couldn’t find them, so I go and ask the clerk if he’s seen them. He had not, so I go back to the car to search one more time before deciding to go ask the kids.

First I ask if they seen a Jeep key anywhere… one of them looks at me like I’m an idiot and says, “what?” as the other looks at me with a “why the hell is he talking to us” look on his face as he glances at his buddy in annoyance. So I decide to offer a reward. I tell them I got $20 bucks for them if they help me find my keys.

That’s when one of them says, “ohhh… that’s what he was talking about? I thought he was kidding.” As he points to the clerk with one hand and takes my keys out of his pocket with the other.

I just look at him like Russell Westbrook as I snatch my keys out his hand and walk out.

Anyway yea, like everyone else said.. that probably wasn’t the best spot to leave them.


knoeKNAME t1_iyescm4 wrote

That’s a problem they should fix.

At the bottom is says

Contains: Wheat, Flour, Egg, Soy, Milk

Which means it definitely contains those ingredients.

Then below that it says it may contain traces of tree nuts, walnuts and coconuts which to my knowledge typically means that it’s just manufactured in the same building or close to products that do contain those items.

From having worked in the restaurant industry for years, I know people take that inherent risk all the time, but to actually have nuts in an item that doesn’t list it in the ingredients is dangerous.