
koosley t1_j1bvg63 wrote

You can always go to a traditional super charger if absolutely necessary as well. They take a bit longer than a gas station but they're available. Destination chargers exist at many of the major shopping centers or grocery stores or restaurants.

There is so many ways to solve this problem depending on your life style. People just have to breakout of the gas station analogy and think of them more as cell phones. A majority of the time you'll just do it over night. Other times you just pop them in the charging boxes at target and shop while it charges.


koosley t1_ix1ic7o wrote

I'm a developer and work in corporate America. No matter what problem is thrown at me, time is consistently the most difficult subject. Listening to 3 project managers trying to figure out a go live time between the UK, Singapore and 3 US timezones is comical. It was around November so the differing day light savings between the UK and US came into play as well.

My life is made difficult since I deal with really old systems designed by Cisco. Server time is whatever windows is set to, so you have to manually add and subtract offsets when dealing with Arizona or other places that don't observe the servers daylight savings schedule.