
korytrevor420 t1_j8aqni1 wrote

Yes I've seen many graphs. Which graphs are you talking about? Again my original post asks what specific data have you seen that points to the obvious conclusion you have come to. Take away politics emotions and peer pressure. Do you know what mostly influences weather? Do you know what percentage of our atmosphere is co2 vs other greenhouse gases? I'm not saying climate change isn't real I'm just saying the OP is using personal.observations of normal weather patterns as proof of global climate change


korytrevor420 t1_j8apgaz wrote

How many centuries do we have data for? So 10% of the last 100 years were warmer than the other 90% and that is supposed to represent global warming or significant climate change? Stop allowing politics,emotions, or peer pressure to get you to agree with nonsense


korytrevor420 t1_j8a7ql6 wrote

"Climate Change Denier" show us your proof that the climate is changing in a significant way over the last 100 years. Specifically what data have you read and compiled and researched to lead you to this morally superior claim? Or the fact that we are having a warmer than average winter during a la Nina winter. Ofcourse it isn't normal or average but that isn't clear evidence that climate change exists and no reasonable scientist would agree with your claim its literally the exact same thing as when it gets very very cold and people DENY global warming ... same theory reversed so you are the same as who you are against...


korytrevor420 t1_irkb9b0 wrote

Reply to comment by jaredh_d2012 in Lovely Ludlow by Frequentmusic

That's only a small fraction of the investment he's made. The Migrant workers are here under a very strict and expensive visa work program and they are all paid a prevailing wage much higher than what you would pay a local worker.


korytrevor420 t1_irjzjr3 wrote

Reply to comment by jaredh_d2012 in Lovely Ludlow by Frequentmusic

Troy has made a fairly large investment in every business he's bought in town and is a one of a kind guy .If ludlow is a terrible place to live in a few years it has nothing to do with him