
kris_lace t1_jc73em9 wrote

The cosmological constant is one of the more mind blowing values in science.

If we took a ruler the length of the observable universe and mapped some of the main constants along it; gravity, speed of light, weak nuclear force etc. We could move the value of those constants along the ruler by millions of miles to a new value - and the forces still more or less act the same way and nothing is changed in reality.

But if we moved the cosmological constants pointer even one inch along that ruler to a new value; the universe as we know it would cease to exist. It has 120 zeros after the decimal point, and then a two.


kris_lace t1_j6i97qj wrote

Boiled potatoes are very interesting. They contain a lot of starch, but when a boiled potato cools down (i.e. on your plate) then the starch in the potato turns into something called 'resistance starch'.

Resistance starch stays intact more until the intestines where it acts as a fibre for intestinal flora. Cooled rice also has this affect too. I think this sense of the starch keeping form for longer is what's ultimately responsible for the difference. Fibre and starch and proteins keep their forms longer which contribute to a feeling of fullness. Focusing on calories alone doesn't work for example, you can consume a lot of calories in sugary alcohol and not feel full compared to the same calories in food. This is because the drink is more fluid (less fullness) and the calories are absorbed significantly quicker and earlier in the digestive tract.

As others have pointed out, water content, portioning size (small individual chips vs bigger potatoes) also come into it.