
kweer t1_ixpa71z wrote

>Don’t put Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk together. Jeff Bezos is a business man just like Sam Walton. But Elon is a scumbag who wants to fuckup democracy on the world! > >For folks who support Elon and think he is neutral. Look at today tweet where he picked on the Left! When was the last time he tweeted that right is fucking our country? Where is his tweet about insurrection? Elon is a slimy scumbag who cares about protecting his wealth.

I think you might have been too subtle for this sub.


kweer t1_ivvnpsy wrote

>If that’s true why don’t conservatives care about climate change? It’s easily the biggest factor in the lives of the next generation.

Likely true in the long run, but still that is a much longer timeline than, say, a labor revolution, which historically happens in a few years. That is the sort of drastic change that terrifies parents.


kweer t1_ivvn7qr wrote

>So.... you are saying that after having kids people start seeing free healthcare and free education as not necessary?

If those are a drastic change from the existing system, yes.

Again, parents tend to favor stability and reject drastic changes to government, societal norms, and the economy.


kweer t1_ivubdxw wrote

>Disagree, it’s more that conservatives have kids younger and have more kids than liberals (spend more of their lives raising kids).

I agree that conservatives have more kids, and have them when they are younger. I'm not sure how that disagrees with anything I've said.

> They are also more susceptible to advertising and consume more media than older educated professionals having 2 kids in their mid to late 30s.

Haha reddit moment


kweer t1_ivtppbk wrote

It's smart because it's true. The basic idea of progressivism is continued change, and the conservatives are generally resistant to change.

Having kids causes people to value stability much more than they did before they had kids. The idea of a sudden societal shift or revolution is much more terrifying to parents than to childless people.

Edit: recent study that might be relevant