
l3ubba t1_javw9fh wrote

It’s just an analogy, he isn’t suggesting people go touch downed lines. His ad is saying, both literally and figuratively, that we shouldn’t mess with power lines.

If someone is stupid enough to watch that ad and think “wow, he is saying I should go touch downed power lines” then Darwin was going to get them one way or another.


l3ubba t1_jab4c80 wrote

It's funny reading some of these comments though. People think some military guy going through SERE is going to go ape shit on some random person or that you're going to get snatched up by some dudes in black vans. It isn't Area 51, you can google SERE and find plenty of information on it.

I got offered a SERE school slot once (not the one in Maine though) because our unit had extra seats to send people. I passed on it, but had some coworkers who volunteered for it. After talking to them when they got back I was glad I decided to stay in Germany and enjoy my weekends off.


l3ubba t1_j2mki0g wrote

I had T-Mobile and currently have Verizon. T-Mobile gave me better service around southern Maine (Saco-Biddo, Portland, Westbrook). T-Mobile was also better for me when I go up to Bangor or Eastport for work.

My wife had Straight Talk for a while and she almost always had better service than I did with either carrier. Especially when we were out towards Cornish and Fryeburg areas. I'd probably recommend Straight Talk or T-Mobile. Verizon sucks, and their customer service is equally shitty.


l3ubba t1_j2cnzvn wrote

Just because a store is appointment only does not mean they aren't open during their normal business hours. A doctor's office has normal business hours, but most medical practices don't let you just walk in and see a doctor without an appointment.

I'm also not sure how requiring an appointment equates to ignorance. Who are all these noisy people demanding that everything is appointment only? I'm not even sure what the problem is. You found someone who did the work you wanted without an appointment, right? Problem solved.


l3ubba t1_j2c430i wrote

>told him I was so happy someone decided they wanted to work

It isn't that nobody else wants to work, they are just so busy that they are going by appointment only. They're still working.

With the entitled attitude you have, it is probably a good thing that those business are dodging you. You aren't the most important person in the world. If a business is so busy that they need to go to appointments only, then get an appointment like everyone else. You aren't special.


l3ubba t1_iyn0z38 wrote

I don’t disagree with you, however, I think the real threat to the lobster industry is climate change, not conservation efforts. I don’t want to see the Maine lobster fishery turn into what happened further south in New England, but that appears to be what we are on track for.