lUNITl t1_jeestc3 wrote

“Junk” is the biggest misnomer in investing. The credit is quantifiably less risky than the stock, but it gets called “junk” when the stocks get nice labels like “mid cap value” or “large cap growth”

Some retail morons will read this post and legitimately think “Netflix is no longer junk? Gonna go to the moon”


lUNITl t1_jadxgo2 wrote

You should still be able to get unemployment. Severance is basically just a bridge to unemployment so you at least get your full pay for a bit.


lUNITl t1_ja954pc wrote

The best way to handle it would be to put extra cash on the shortage if possible to pay it down faster. If that’s not possible I would highly doubt the rate on an unsecured personal loan is significantly better than the rate at the dealer financing, so that would be a wash or have no effect.

Worst case the home payment goes back to normal in 6 months once the shortage is fulfilled.