
lakija t1_jd54vaz wrote

That would be so messed up for Frank. He is trying his best out here.

What if the fire destroyed the stasis fields of the tiny prisons but protected the heroes from incineration. 🤔

But then what if they all went back to full size down there in that tiny space? Ughhhh.

These are things that keep me up at night.


lakija t1_jd0ylvp wrote

“So you’re finally admitting it huh? Look Boss. I am your employee, yes, but we are also friends.”

“Of course. We’ve been friends over 15 years!”

“Exactly. I know you better than you know you. There is not one superhero left in the city. You set out to capture them all, and now you’ve gotten rid of them. The city is now your oyster. But you’re still unhappy. And you know why?”

Boss looked irritated. “Well you don’t have to be an asshole about it. Things just work out for me but not how I want.”

“Exactly that. The real problem is that your heart is not in it anymore. Your inventions are half baked. They never resolve. The plans fall through because you constantly get lucky.”

Boss looked unhappy.

“I know. I get lucky. But I still do evil things with my inventions.”

“Boss. I’m going to level with you right now: You are not actually evil.”

“What?” Boss laughed. “What’s this about me not being evil? I am evil.”

I laughed. “See there’s your problem. You think you are but you are not.” I leaned over the desk and poured us both a glass of whiskey. “Give me a light.” Boss used a tiny laser to light my cigarette. He scowled at me though.

“Look Frank. I am evil. It’s literally my entire life.”

“I’m evil. Your entire life is being a brilliant, comically chaotic engineer who is lying to himself everyday. You’re not even happy that you have every single superhero trapped in a stasis field after shrinking them. They’re decorating your damn shelves like Funkopoops or whatever the kids call them. Why are you even keeping them alive?”

He couldn’t answer that because he knew it was fucking stupid. I went and fetched their cute little shrunken jail cells and placed them on the desk. They all sounded like little ants.

Boss got mad. “And what exactly makes you evil me not?”

“If you really want to do this let’s play ball.” I sat back and point my cigarette at him. “You need to rob a bank. What’s your plan?” I sat back cross legged.

He laughed. “Well of course I will build a contraption to burrow underneath the bank and extract the money into the machine. Then get away. Except last time the drill accidentally got stuck. Eventually the building collapsed after everyone left so that the vault fell just right into the drill door opening. That was a pretty lucrative accident.” He thought back fondly. “So, what is it you would do?”

I didn’t hesitate. I took a drag. “Now this is just a rough draft off the top of my head. So. I would learn the entire layout of the bank and how to open the vault. Then I would take my team, outfit them with automatic guns, cut the power to the bank, walk into the lobby. Lock the doors and murder everyone as soon as possible except the two tellers who both have the vault keys. Then I would kill the bank manager in his office and lock it because he’s a little bitch. (My cousin, you see). Then the tellers, held at gunpoint, would open the vault. We take everything to drivers in the parking garage connected to the vault with prepared nondescript gray and black sedans after I shoot the two tellers. Then we lock them in the vault. We change clothes. We leave slowly. Never rush.”

My boss just blinked at me.

“I got another one for you. I know you hate Laserman. He’s a real riot that one but he always gets in the way. Explain to me how you stole the Evercrystal from him last week.”

My boss shook his head as if casting off some kind of bad memory. “Well last time I caught him in my clutches, I told him exactly what I thought of him for a few minutes. My henchman held him over a tank of sharks. Unfortunately one of the henchman slipped and dropped Laserman into the pool but he managed to get out. He ran but dropped the Evercrystal, which fell from his pocket you see. Whew that was a lucky one.”

“I would have shot him in the face and took the Evercrystal, then drop kicked his corpse into the shark tank. Then I would sleep easy.”

Boss was starting to look uncomfortable.

“What about how you stole the Ancient Greek Gilded Discus from Discusandra?”

“I used a mechanical lasso to catch her out of the sky. The lasso actually missed catching her but it did hit a telephone pole which hit her on the head, knocking her out cold. I grabbed the discus that way.” He folded his arms. “Wait. Let me guess how you would have handled it?”

I gestured for him to continue.

“You would have shot her in the face and took it?”

I hit my knee. “Damn right! But not in public. I would have hired a professional sniper, someone discreet, to shoot her out of the sky over an open field. She lives in the country side and owns acres and acres of land. No witnesses out there since it’s her lair, which you already know the address to! I would have collected the stupid glorified frisbee and buried her on her own property.”

Boss looked disturbed.

“You see what I’m getting at? You are playing games out here with all of this: These inventions. These toys of yours. These genetically modified animals. These robots and all this shit. Pure mad science okay? But the fact is that you’re still not evil.”

Boss tried to talk back, but his face went white as a sheet when I pulled out a revolver.

“Let’s play Russian Roulette. Only all the bullets are for you.”

I showed him the chamber, which had all six bullets. I aimed the revolver at his face point blank.

“Wait no—“

I shot every single shot, point blank, in quick succession. He dodged three fucking bullets, my hand slipped on the forth shot, the fifth ricocheted off the table into the ceiling right after that, and the last jammed the gun.

Boss had his hands over his head cowering.

“What the fuck Frank! What the fuck are you doing?!” he yelled.

I threw the revolver behind me.

“TELL ME WHAT A GOOD FUCKING SHOT I AM!!” I screamed. My chest was heaving.

“You never miss!” He cried, hands still over his head. “You’re the best shot I know!”

“Exactly. I never ever miss, especially at point blank range.” I calmed myself, smoothed my clothes. Fixed my tie.

“You’re not evil. You’re beyond lucky. But not just any kind. Supernaturally. Like superhero lucky.”

He seemed to be in shock at that. “Now Frank, don’t do anything rash,” he warned.

“Rash? Rash? That’s literally part of my job description. So where exactly do you think this leave us Boss? Every one of us in this organization has been following your lead because we thought your evil, cold, dark heart was in this. But that ship has sailed, long ago in fact.“

His face started to go slack.

“What’s wrong wit my face?”

“I have been trying to poison you for the last couple months. Of course you have been lucky enough not to get sick thus far.”

I stood up and walked toward him. He looked horrified at the whiskey. Of course he backed away. “M- rms. Ca-mov.” I pulled his rolling chair around to the front of the desk. I went behind the desk where I belonged.

“It’s been a pleasure being your friend all these years. But by your own admission, we need to get rid of all the superheroes. Technically you’re the last one left. I would be insubordinate and remiss to ignore your directives, correct?”

He whimpered.

I laughed. “I genuinely tried to just shoot you in the face which is what I do best. You saw me do it. It didn’t work. So we will use your own invention.”

I reached under the desk and pulled a lever. A trapdoor appeared right in front of him but the chair ever so slightly rolled just out of range. Of course. Lucky bastard.

“See this is what evil planning is about. If you’re lucky, you’ll die a quick painless death. Or you’ll be lucky enough to live through the pain long enough to be rescued and nursed back to health. Who knows? Luck works all sorts of ways.”

I walked around to his chair and tipped his body into it.

I watched as he plummeted to his death by spikes. And then an incinerator came on. I went and grabbed those tiny little superheroes one by one fed them into the fire for good measure. I did not take my eyes off the trap until there was nothing but bones.

Guess his luck ran out. And so did theirs, frankly.


lakija t1_jce9nok wrote

There is always more.

We had spoken so deeply about the project that neither of us noticed the bell had rung.

He looked around and chuckled. “It seems that for the first time this class is actually engaging. Usually I am the first to leave.”

I put a hand to my cheek. Was it hot? Or was it that he was speaking in my direction and making it hot? He kept chuckling at me.

Pam walked quickly over to our table. She smiled cheerfully at Sasha.

“Hi. I’m Pam,” she chirped. Her hand shot out. Sasha gently shook her delicate hands in his large ones. Pam gave me a knowing glance or drama. “Shall we depart this place?”

“Yeah let’s get out of here,” I said, hurriedly gathering my items.

Sasha gathered his as well. He looked warily at his jacket, then opted to put it on.

Classes with Sasha were much more interesting for the rest of the day. We didn’t have every one together, but the ones we did were fun.

He was more talkative to me and Pam but no one else. Especially in Dragontongue. He spoke so quietly, as much as he could, that I had to lean all the way in to hear his voice.

“If you were to say that word in the southern regions it would mean to place bricks or stones atop each other as if building something. If you said that in the northeastern region, it means to fu— I’m sorry. To have relations with someone.”

Pam squealed and covered her mouth. I covered mine too. “Are you serious?!”

“Yes. And if you were to say this one in the Northernmost tip of the country, it is basically calling someone a piece of filth, while just a few regions down it simply means to clean something. You could get into a fight if you just go around saying some of these things just anywhere.”

He pointed out even more egregious language errors. And I leaned closer to see each word he pointed out. At one point, I had become so close that the heat radiating from his mouth warmed my face. I felt myself tremble. It was like some deep memory of my ancestors was awakening in me. Gods, all I could thing of was what kissing him would be like. That breath of flame like fire. I wanted to look into his throat where I knew a flickering flame lie in wait.—

“Class is over,” he rumbled into my ear, the hotness washing over my neck and head. He knew. He knew what I was thinking. His hand brushed against my arm as he got up to gather his things. I thought it was an accident until he glanced at me and smiled faintly. I composed myself the best I could. But Pam was at the edge of cackling.

Dragontongue had been our last class of the day—“you want that Dragontongue real bad huh?” Pam had teased—and Sasha was still wary of speaking aloud to others, and would not remove his jacket again. I was weak in the knees to be honest. I had no idea what to do with myself. I knew I was being so obvious. I am not good at hiding that sort of thing.

“It has been a fun time today. I hope we continue to be friends this semester. You two have been the most welcoming.” He said graciously. Pam smiled and waved. He made to leave.

I must have looked so disappointed because he stopped and turned his head around.

“Unless you had no plans?”

My whole brain broke. Plans? Uh…

“Huh?” I asked.

Pam perked up. “Nah she doesn’t have any plans.”

Sasha raised his chin and looked out the window. “We can go for a walk and speak of our project.”

“Okay see you later Leila. Call meee!” Pam said, and she hightailed it out of there. She left me!

I put my hands in my hips watching her speed away. Then I sighed, looking back at Sasha. Now that we were just standing there, I realized just how large he was. He was literally the only person in school taller than me. He gestured for me to walk beside him. I did. We didn’t say much until we left the school building. We walked along the quad together. Some students were staring at us. I suppose we made quite the pair walking together.

Truthfully, I had been staring at him in classes since he arrived that first day. I had noticed how smart he was in everything, and had been silently competing with him…

We ended up in a secluded spot near the lake, shaded by trees. Why did I lead him here. I know why I led him here. Or did he lead me…

Needless to say, we did not talk about the project. I plopped down on the grass. He did as well. I could hear that deep guttural noise in the back of his throat. My gods, if this was going to mess me up every time he made a sound I was a goner.

He seemed to be mulling over something.

“What is it?” I asked.

“I apologize if I was forward in Dragontongue class today,” he said. His baritone shook me to the core, the perfect frequency to rattle my bones. Was that it?

“Wait. Sorry? What?” I replied, confounded.

He chuckled to himself. “I don’t know what came over me,” he said, looking puzzled. As if this did not happen to him often.

Now I could play this one of two ways. I could play coy and flirtatious and mysterious. Or I could do the opposite of that and make a fool of myself.

“I… liked it?”

Fuuu— why did it come out as a question?

He looked surprised. And relieved. He brought himself closer, accepting my invitation. He removed his jacket, his muscles arms flexing.

“Really? I thought I messed up,” he mused. Laying the jacket behind him.

“Did you not see my goddamn legs shaking,” I muttered quietly under my breath. Not quietly enough.

He turned toward me. “Yes, I did” he replied, a wash of heat over me. I rubbed my face. What was he doing to me?

“I wish you would do it again,” I heard my mouth say. I was screaming inside.

I think the rest might be a tiny too steamy for WP. I had to Edit this one. I’m not sure. If you want to hear the conclusion of this particular part just let me know.


lakija t1_jcbh0ef wrote

Secret Dragon

Sasha frowned. He always looked so frustrated during class, grumbling to himself. He was staring down at a piece of paper, our latest test. Another D. He crumpled the paper and threw it into his bag. “I hate this fucking place,” he whispered under his breath. He sat at a table alone behind us.

My friend Pam hazarded a look. She was a slender lizardfolk with sleek greenish skin. She had a long pretty face. “He’s failed again. I feel bad for him. Maybe he needs a tutor. You could.”

“I don’t know. He seems kind of intense.” I was larger that her. I was Komodo. I’d always been rather sensitive that I was larger than everyone else except other Komodo like me.

“Don’t be judgey Leila. Anyways let’s be partners for the next project.”

“Bet!” I said. Our professor spoke up from her desk.

“Alright class. Go check the list to see who your partner will be for the next assignment. Then join tables.”

Of course. Me and Pam rolled out eyes and laughed. “Or not,” she said, hunching her shoulders.

I glanced at Sasha. He just rubbed his furrowed scaly brow but didn’t bother to get up. I left mine with Pam.

I stood in a small line waiting to see the list on my way out the door.

“Leila and Sasha! Heh heh, good luck smarty pants!” I pushed Jonah’s arm. He was a greenish lizardfolk with big green eyes.

“Don’t be an ass. We will be fine.”

“He’s the worst student in class. Even you can’t work your magic on that.”

I folded my arms and watched Jonah walk back to his seat. Pam looked at me. “So about that tutoring then?”

I groaned. “He doesn’t even need tutoring,” I said under my breath. Even so, I could not afford to fail an assignment.

I stalked back to my seat and grabbed my things. Then went to Sasha’s table. We had never interacted before this moment. His skin was red and scaly. He wore a long sleeve jacket.

“Hi partner!” I said trying to be chipper. He glanced at me, his brow raised skeptically.

“Hi,” he said as quietly as he possibly could. His voice! It was deep with a curious rumble underneath. He didn’t speak to anyone, and never spoke during class, so I was a bit taken aback by it. “Smartest girl in class huh. Well I’m sorry you have to get me for a partner,” he whispered, a bit bitterly.

“U-uhm… no don’t say that. We’ll be just fine. So, right. We should decide on our topic for our documentary.”

He looked exasperated. “I know. I’ve thought about it. If you don’t mind?” He gestured toward the seat next to him. I was surprised he actually had an idea. I smiled and sat down. Hey, it wouldn’t be so bad if he was looking forward to it.

We all were told that Sasha was a lizardfolk like us, as that is what the story was when he transferred. But we assumed it was a cover because of his dad’s job as an ambassador.

I had my doubts about his lineage as well of course.

He was a big guy, and much more slow and deliberate with his movements than any of my fellow lizardfolk friends, regardless of their lizard ancestry. Some were extremely skittish, and others were a bit more regular speed. I was slower but not like him.

Now sitting next to him up close, I could see more aspects of his appearance. His teeth were thicker and sharp. His jaw strong. Even though he wore long sleeves—always now that I thought of it— I saw beautiful scales underneath on his wrist. He tugged his sleeve down, hiding them. He claws were similarly thick. They were like obsidian. They shone in the light.

I’d never met a lizard folk with scales like that. Sasha was always intense. But now, looking at his notebook, he seemed more subdued. He flipped through the pages.

He leaned over and pushed it toward me. “These are some ideas I wrote down over the week. They’re all kind of similar…” he said enthusiastically. Now that he was closer and speaking at a normal volume, I could hear that rumble underneath again, like a motorbike almost. A strange intense heat wafted from his mouth almost across the page. I moved my hand, and that made him clamp his mouth shut. “Shit…” he whispered through his teeth. That heat sealed the deal.

“Don’t say anything,” he pleaded.

“I won’t!” I said. He was searching my face, probably to determine if I was telling the truth. His eyes were green, the slit pupils ringed in green. He relaxed. “Thanks. We can talk about it if you like. It’s complicated.”

“Uh huh…” I said, dazed.

I must have been staring hard because I heard my phone vibrate. Shaking my head from my reverie, I saw that I’d gotten a text. It was from Pam. OMG GRL Close your mouth! Ur basically drooling!

“Fuck!” I whispered, putting my phone down. I wiped my lower lip.

Sasha glanced over. “What?” he asked.

“Nothing!” I said a bit too quickly. I quickly texted back while professors back was turned. OMG He’s like… idk. Fuck!

I had not idea what to say. He just raised raised his eyebrow and chuckled under his breath.

Damn he’s got you like that?? Pam texted.

Yes. His voice is so deep!

I saw my professor turning toward us so I pushed my phone away. “Right soooo. Ideas. Which do you want to do the most? I’m game for any of them.”

He inclined his head toward the page and tapped it. “This one. The True Life of Dragons.”

“Cool. What’s the gist?” I asked, taking out my notebook.

He lowered his voice. “We aren’t like what these books say. None of it is true. It is appalling and downright offensive some of the things we learn here. Dragontongue is much worse. As a native speaker, no one speaks that way. It is so robotic. It lacks any nuance at all.”

My eyes widened. “I wondered about that. Everyone knows about your grades. But you have near perfect grades in everything else.”

He sighed, heat gently rolling from his mouth. “I answer honestly, but get marked down because it does not line up with this horrible curriculum. I refuse to answer with untruths. Of course no one here knows. You wouldn’t know.”

I looked down in guilt. “Well I’m Komodo, and my ancestors are from Lyfax so I’ve known of a lot of the discrepancies. But I learned this version to get good grades. I’m studying abroad there soon.”

He smiled. “I knew it. I’m from Lyfax.”

“I know. We all know; your dad is to be ambassador but no one has seen him yet. And we weren’t certain about whether you were dragonfolk or not. Lyfax is diverse place.”

“Yeah it is. Sometimes people can be a bit funny about us dragonfolk. But…well the cat’s out of the bag already. I did not know people suspected.” He twirled a pencil in his hand. “So what do you think of this idea?”

I thought about it. How fitting it would be to document actual dragonfolk instead of the sanitized history we learned. It would certainly make a splash and shut up a lot of people about him.

“Okay,” I agreed. It was a gamble but an intriguing one. “Why hide it then? That you’re dragonfolk?”

He smiled. “I suppose you’re right if everyone knows already.”

He removed his jacket for once, revealing his large arms with sleek reddish scales. I place my clawed hand to my chest. My voice caught. Pam turned around to whisper something to me, but she stopped, shocked. She spun back around.

“Okay partner. We better get to work then,” he rumbled. “I’ve been looking forward to working with you anyway,” he laughed.

My phone buzzed. Ur in trouble

I was in trouble. But I was looking forward to it.

Edit: just a little more story below.

Edit: I cannot believe y’all got me to write a whole steamy story about dragons.

Edit: If you should come across this and want more. Stop by every once in a while.


lakija t1_j4e6gtt wrote

This makes me think of a specific scenario. A crew is on an expedition in the arctic when something terrible happens during their journey.

Rescue comes after a long time but the frozen bodies of the crew unveil a great tragedy onboard. (Kinda like Obra Dinn I suppose.)