
lannister69 t1_j27zddg wrote

When I moved into my first apartment this was my phone number!! Well almost (different area code obv).

I would get messages on my answering machine about once a week from people saying they were thinking about committing suicide. I had no idea why people were calling and leaving me these messages. It was really freaking me out!

Then one day I saw my (almost) phone number on a billboard for the suicide prevention hotline at a bus stop. Right then I realized why I was getting all those strange messages on my answering machine.

I called the telephone company and changed my phone number that day. I felt really bad for all those people who were reaching out for help and ended up just getting my answering machine.

BTW I’m not trying to make light of suicide at all. It’s a very serious issue. I’ve contemplated it myself when I was in a really bad place in my life. I honestly just remembered this after seeing this post. Please reach out and call them if you are having those type of thoughts.