
lantech t1_jchxoey wrote

My payback is about 9 years.

Performance warranty for my Qcell panels: "The guaranteed minimum power output after 25 years is 83 %."

So at some point I might want to replace a few panels to get back to the original total output. Maybe pull off some 400w panels and replace them with new 500w panels.


lantech t1_ja8mr33 wrote

Airtags work via bluetooth. When other iphones see an airtag they log and report it. That's how airtags get tracked, they don't talk to cell towers. If you're in the woods with an airtag, and your phone is dead, there's no other phones around to track your airtag.

They were tracking them via cell tower pings but springfield was the last ping then it stopped.

A full-blown GPS tracking device could have reported exact locations and direction of travel before losing connectivity.


lantech t1_j9lwbsd wrote

> Some major storms have zero outages. A minor dusting can send some truck into a pole and take out service for a day.

That's how it typically goes. Much as I hate to say it, guygan is right.


lantech t1_j6txidn wrote

They're all effectively the same. 1kwh of electricity generates 3412 BTU's. There's no magic space heaters that are more efficient than that. Ignore all the "quartz" and other bullshit. Only differences are how they spread the heat (oil filled, fan, oscillating fan etc)