
lechydda t1_j9qfqxc wrote

Since when is Idaho only 6 hours of driving away? Lol it took me almost 2 weeks to get from California to NH driving at least 8 hours a day! Even the eastern edge of Idaho is about even with Utah and Arizona so maybe 1-2 days less? Maybe a 6 hour flight?

Edit: am I dumb and they just meant driving 6 hours before stopping? Then again, I’d be like dude you can do at least 8, otherwise it’ll take a fortnight to get to Idaho!


lechydda t1_j9lppqo wrote

Hopefully you’re moving somewhere better! If you’re moving 6 hours south I guarantee you’re not the one being punished, it’s the rest of us here who will be dealing with the punishment. If you’re going north, good luck in Canada! If you’re going East or West, good luck in the water lol


lechydda t1_iyab4se wrote

I grew up on hand me downs too, and playing in the dirt. I’m the queen of my backyard. But I still can’t afford to bring my family stuff out here and my regular/snow tires are an obnoxious addition to my car and/or living room decor that I wish I had room to store elsewhere


lechydda t1_iy6b47e wrote

Everything I inherited is back home because I can’t afford to pay to ship it out here. I’m in an apartment here and have basically no storage. If it weren’t for my car’s big trunk, I’d have to keep my snow tires in storage. I’d assume it was mostly column b, but it really depends on where the person came from.


lechydda t1_iw076ho wrote

I have to get up before 7 on most days and having that extra bit of sun definitely helps. Having the timeframe shortened has seemed to work ok, because there aren’t too many really dark mornings. IMO it’s easier to have some lights on in the evening than trying to get going in the pitch black morning. I wouldn’t want it one way or the other all year round and changing it incrementally would be ridiculous. Maybe one day if the whole world had digital clocks the time could be adjusted every couple weeks, but we are like Star Trek levels away from that.


lechydda t1_iuovgri wrote

I’m near the South of NH, seacoast area. There are maybe 2 or 3 options unless I want to spend over an hour driving just for regular groceries. Low cost is non existent. Hannafords are “nice” and have decent coupons if you shop over several months. MB is ok at least in my area, but prices usually the same and without the coupons. Nowhere has good priced produce. Meat can be $1-3 off sticker price if you’re willing to buy the stuff that is about to expire. I appreciate my mom sending me Costco cards so I can stock up.