
lendluke t1_ivxozok wrote

There has been at least one case of someone espousing pedophilia being kicked out of the FSP. There are a lot of parents in the FSP and they along with everyone else care immensely about protecting children. You are fighting against a made up caricature of your political opponents. It would be like me calling all Democrats pedophiles because a few notable cases, or calling all Republicans sexual abusers because of a few cases


lendluke t1_itwicca wrote

You lose me at 2/3 of the voters agreed with whatever is put forward from the hypothetical convention. This seems like a great way to get popular changes (that might be unpopular to the current state legislature) approved. 2/3's is too high a hurdle for something too terrible to pass. The logic of "let's not risk it" could be used just as well to justify disbanding the NH state government else some extremists push through a terrible law.


lendluke t1_irnzqx0 wrote

lol, why would anyone waste time making bots for the New Hampshire subreddit of 83k? I'm sorry but people posting politics that aren't your own (not knowing your politics) is not trolling. It is lazy and a cheap shot to accuse all of your opponents of being trolls.

Politics is the "mind killer" and I have seen low quality responses from multiple sides on this sub, but I don't call people trolls just because I disagree with them. The fact this subreddit isn't as much of an echo chamber (and therefore has more arguments) is the only thing that makes it tolerable.