
leto78 t1_ja0a4dw wrote

As a European that used to live in the UK, your bathrooms are the weirdest.

  • Two separate taps because in the past the hot water was not drinkable.

  • No wall sockets expect for some electric shaver socket if you are lucky.

  • carpet on bathroom floor.

  • electric hot water shower (no wall sockets but an electric boiler warning up the water on a damp environment is somehow fine)

  • no bidet.


leto78 t1_j6hphn1 wrote

Remove the office buildings and provide more housing, better public transportation, and change the zoning laws to allow mixed use neighbourhoods, and stop allowing single family houses. The 4-5 stories buildings seen in European cities like Paris allow for a lot more people to live in one place, reduces the cost per unit, and generates more revenue from property taxes.


leto78 t1_j2fo2uw wrote

The electric guitar requires more precision because the strings are closer together. As a left-handed person, I would never be able to play a right-handed guitar and I have a lot of dexterity with my right hand. For instance, I use the mouse on both hands with no difference in precision.

I would suggest getting a left-handed guitar. Maybe go to a guitar shop to try it out. Find some YouTube videos teaching how to use play the guitar.


leto78 t1_iue93vy wrote

Personally, I don't think that they are completely different systems. From from ICE to BEV is definitely going from system to another completely different system, and hybrid systems are not really a transition path from a technological development. You cannot make ever greater improvements to ICE vehicles and get to BEV vehicles. You need a radical departure from one to the other.

As for ADAS and FSD, they rely on the same hardware, same technology, and same focus. The adaptive cruise control with lane keeping system is one narrow scope of the overall FSD. Of course, there is a huge technological leap that is required to reach FSD, but a progressive development is a direct path to FSD.


leto78 t1_iudw7cu wrote

The problem is not the technology but rather a fundamentally flawed business strategy. Fortunately, there is a linear technological development roadmap between ADAS and full self driving. The correct approach would have been to bet on incremental improvements until FSD was achieved. Trying to leapfrog to FSD was too much of a gap and people underestimated the complexity of the problem, the maturity of the technology, and effort required to achieve the goals.

New technologies like solid state LIDAR systems, better Image Recognition systems, multispectral cameras, and other technologies are getting more mature and cheaper so that they will be easily integrated into a vehicle in an affordable manner. All these technologies will make ADAS systems better and better, up to a point that they will have full awareness of the environment, and be able to achieve FSD. On the IA front, there is still a lot of work to be done, especially in terms of sensor fusion, namely being able to integrate data from cameras, using multiple frequency bands, with LIDAR point maps, and ultrasonic sensors.