
lfp_pounder t1_jaxejcy wrote

What if you have to take a left and immediately take a right on the next lane? can I take a left and stop if no one gives me way until I can shift lanes?… I ain’t driving 5miles to go all the way and come back just so I don’t “inconvenience” the driver behind me.


lfp_pounder t1_izbkgfr wrote

RI Energy (a.k.a National Grid) has increased electricity prices by 64% per kWh this coming year. And some guy from NRG in Walmart stopped me and asked if I wanted a $20 gift card to switch to clean energy. Same distributor(National Grid) , same supplier (NRG) are trying to “incentivize” people by giving them a $20 gift card and saying that cost of electricity will be cheaper if we let them supply us using renewable energy… Seriously? If it was cheaper for National grid don’t you think they would have done it by now?

I did this a couple of years before and while the $/kWh is just a few cents cheaper, they hit you with all sorts of bullshit fees and it ends up costing way more. They’ve already fleeced us with inflation and bullshit prices to pad their CEO’s bonuses.. what more can they take from us who are barely trying to survive? Besides it should be a policy based implementation to switch to clean energy without waving a carrot in front of normal working class citizens.


lfp_pounder OP t1_iz85184 wrote

I did set up mail forwarding. But I did that only after I moved here (about 4 days after I’d been driving around) so I worry that a ticket might’ve been sent to my NY address prior to me doing the mail forward. Is there no way I can look up my lic plate number in the RI motor vehicle records or something?