
librician t1_j48wqqv wrote

In Freud’s terminology what you’re referring to is suppression, which is a conscious decision to compartmentalize in order to achieve specific goals. The psychological profile of Neitzsche would have given Freud a lot to work with, and I don’t think there are many affinities. Their approach to libido, for example, is completely opposite.


librician t1_j421syv wrote


librician t1_iy49onf wrote

I read the sample that’s available online. I think it would be good for people to understand that this book presupposes some universality in experiences of mothers—that there is a duality to the mother daughter relationship, but it includes an expectation that if the daughter shares hurts the mother will attempt to soothe. As a person who does not have a mother with the capacity to be generous, I found this alienating. Parental estrangement is incredibly common in the west, and I was hoping this book might be broad enough to have tools for those of us with problematic parents. Unfortunately it is written from the perspective of someone who is not considering that one in five people has a parental estrangement. I felt very sad reading it, very othered.