
lifestyleboss t1_iujomiq wrote

Well he definitely doesn’t appreciate you I’ll just go ahead and tell you that right now. He doesn’t pay any bills in the house to even help you and you think he “loves” you? A man that truly values you and loves you will help you pay the bills around the house so you aren’t doing it alone, appreciates the fact you tried your best to cook the food the way he wanted and he doesn’t yell at you if it wasn’t made right, it’s the thought that counts and you didn’t want him to go hungry. He wouldn’t just quit jobs and sit at the house all day living basically off you. You definitely need to put him in check and have a talk to see if y’all can get some understanding because he don’t appreciate you and I’m just being real.


lifestyleboss t1_iujlbqz wrote

I say go for it. You don’t have much to lose here since y’all barley know each other. There are some interest between the both of you, but it could be friendly as well. You won’t know until you ask her and then see where it goes. You might have to step up your game even more and see if she wants to talk more than just friends. Go for it, nothing to lose here.