
linearphaze t1_j309hko wrote

I eat mainly meat, vegetables and fruit. I'll occasionally have something like tacos or sushi. Humans need to eat. It's a necessary evil. By growing crops, we mass kill insects and birds. Entire eco systems collapse by clearing land, applying pesticides, and fertilizer. People need to eat. We can't all hunt for food, or we would wipe the earth clean very quickly. Vegans and vegetarians are malnourished. Meat is an important staple for us to eat. Factory farming is a solution to starvation. Where do you draw the line exactly? How many wild animals get wiped out by farming? For any benefit, there is a loss. Doesn't matter what it is. If cows were in the wild and man never entered the picture, they would be constantly hunted by prey animals. They would be infected with bugs, worms, etc. They would die early anyway through predation, starvation, infection, ect. . A predatory animal takes time to kill. When you stop and think about it deeply, we are trading a better, healthier life in return for our predation and a quick kill. It's reasonable.

Life is cruel. Life is competitive. Nature is hell. It's simply reality. We are nature. You just favor a cute animal you can see being killed over the insects, wildlife, and natural environmental collapse you can't. We have to eat.


linearphaze t1_j305y8e wrote

Factory farming is morrally abhorrent is an opinion in itself. So is Factory farming. I live in Florida. We have a lot of cows. They deficate in the fields they roam. They drink water from man made lakes that don't need any mechanical refilling. They live most of their lives in fields. When it's time for slaughter they die instantly. They live a good life. I'll have my steak thanks. You eat frankenfood if you want. In my opinion the cows live a good life. I raise chickens in my back yard. They live a good life, then when i slaughter them, they die quickly. I have no need for highly processed pasteurized meat substitute. That's my opinion.