
lopendvuur t1_irvfonk wrote

Compared to gas the stainless steel doesn't even need to be of a superb quality: induction is much easier on your pans. I've pans of about 20 euros a piece (Herman den Blijker series) Only thing I'd improve on is I'd like a hole in the lid to let steam escape, for if they boil over and flood my furnace all my heaters switch off (the moisture makes them do that). I bet Le Creuset costs at least 100 a piece. (Went to their outlet shop on Sunday to check out a cast iron crêpe pan)

Anti stick pans last a little longer than on gas but are still a weak link: three years at the most and they're toast. I'm looking to switch to cast iron for most frying jobs except quick and hot stuff. Next to be replaced are my pancake pans but I'm having trouble finding them in cast iron (for less than 50 euros a piece)