
lordofduct t1_iui9szh wrote

I am so unsure what y'all are doing with them sickles like that...

Are ya clearing out the pasture of wild plants so the cows don't get sick?

That's a weird outfit to wear while doing such labor.


lordofduct t1_iu6kx21 wrote

The night I met my wife was a "hurricane party" (in Florida when a hurricane is hitting you go out and buy a butt ton of booze and some friends come over and you just get wasted and wait for the electric to go out).

I had moved into a new place and I had yet to really get any of my stuff moved over from my old place when the storm decided to hit. Ain't going to move during a storm, so I just bought some supplies and rode out the storm at my new place.

An old ex-gf of mine happened to live near the place I had moved and she and a friend of hers (my now wife) came over for said "hurricane party".

This was the first time my wife had met me and the first impression wasn't exactly impressive.

A living room with just a couch, big screen tv, and my desktop computer on the floor hooked to said tv so I could listen to music and watch movies.

A bedroom with a blowup mattress, my alarm clock, and bags of clothes.

And a meager bathroom with the bare essentials... soap, toothpaste, bodywash.

Like I said... I JUST moved in.

My wife then goes to the fridge and opens it to find...

2 bottles of cranberry juice
1 bottle mustard
1 jar pickles
12 pack mountain dew

And 3 bottles of vodka on the counter.


She didn't tell me this at the time. But she was very concerned her friend had brought her to some crazy man's house for a hurricane and she might not ever make it home.