lostan t1_j6jfjkj wrote
Reply to comment by OldManChino in eli5: Why do most airlines still use 2-pin audio jacks for the in-flight entertainment systems on their planes? by JJGLC92
they just gave them to you but wanted them back after the fights (which is kinda gross now). always assumed it was to prevent theft.
lostan t1_j6jffhs wrote
Reply to comment by aspheric_cow in eli5: Why do most airlines still use 2-pin audio jacks for the in-flight entertainment systems on their planes? by JJGLC92
> deliberately chose a different connector so people won't steal the headphones.
this was alwaysmy guess.
lostan t1_j5qmv20 wrote
lostan t1_j3875c6 wrote
Reply to TIL of execution by Breaking Wheel that would start with tying the body to a wheel, breaking the bones of the limbs, braiding the broken limbs through the spokes and leaving the body to be eaten by scavenging animals and birds. by muadib1974
And... there's my daily dose of horrifying atrocities.
lostan t1_ixre51k wrote
Reply to comment by drpinkcream in TIL the first media report about the shift from lighters to the cellphone was a U2 concert in Chicago in 2005. by PlasterBaby
> connecting with some deep shit in a ballad tune
lol, those were the days!
lostan t1_jad75q8 wrote
Reply to LPT request: How to feel confident if you have acne? by irene_dbk
Just in case anyone suffering this hasn't tried this, stop eating dairy. I had acne from 13 to 24 and it turned out to be a kind of dairy allergy. it honesty cleared up in 2 weeks of stopping. Probably not the cause for everyone but maybe worth a try. Dairy isn't actually that great for you anyway.