
lounge_l1zard t1_iu0k4i4 wrote

The title reads that way. The article and this guy's story is actually one of the most realistic looks at Amazon warehouse work that I've read. The dude literally spent most of the time comparing his experience to if he'd actually needed the job to support a family and he concludes that it is fucked up.

You sure you even read it?


lounge_l1zard t1_iu0hmmu wrote

It's one of the most vicious things about depression actually. You feel depressed/burnt out so you move less, moving less makes you feel more depressed, so you move less.

Exercise is one of the best things to combat the low feelings, but combatting the low feelings can feel physically impossible.

Jobs should have built in exercise schedules. You won't get your bonus if you don't get a 15 minute walk in every 3-4 hours! It would honestly do a ton for productivity and overall happiness. And yet we all sit here scratching our heads as if there is no answer to what causes depression and burnout.


lounge_l1zard t1_its4ngt wrote

I love the framing that blames the public while also including the line:

>the industry plans to triple plastic production by 2050.

Lolololololol. Make it illegal and there will be less plastic. We all have to get uncomfortable to fix this. Single use plastics are AN ACTUAL PROBLEM and the only way they'll stop getting used is if they stop being made available.