
lovemesomereddit t1_it39n3r wrote

Honestly, it’s affordable and not dangerous. It’s just a little trashy.

For example: I used to work at Joyal’s Liquors. We often had people standing outside on the corner asking for change. As soon as they made enough, they’d come in, fuel up on some cheap booze, and get back at it.

Once I had a guy come in and ask me how much a half pint of blackberry brandy was. I told him $6.99. He put a bunch of sweaty crumpled ones and change on the counter and goes “I got ten bucks. Do I got enough for two of ‘em?”

That is one of my many exemplary West Warwick stories.

Oh, and stay away from LA Cafe.


lovemesomereddit t1_is17gvv wrote

She was simply more articulate than McKee. Other than that, she seemed like a condescending shit bag who’s only thought was what can I say that will make cavemen constituents go “YEAH, WHAT SHE SAID!!”