
lunareclipseunicorn t1_j27000a wrote

Deer skull wend*go was made by Algernod Blackwood in the 70s(googled, so correct me it was made by someone else first, but definitely it's very new). Interestingly, Until Dawn's depiction actually ring closer toward what Native American have told in legend.

Edit: reddit ate first part of my sentence everytime I tried to paste that author's name


lunareclipseunicorn t1_irs7448 wrote

Ngl I got confused at shrimp with head part. You can actually eat shrimp head, just need to peel the shell off too. Shrimp tomalley is considered the best part of shrimp by 90% of people where I'm from, I find it too flavorful to enjoy.

Also I understand gawking, but it's kind of rude to judge this guy on what he eats (until special dessert), he's just build differently! Though I understand watching this guy eat a man is scary, primal fear and that. But if I were there I'd definitely try to befriend him. He seems like an interesting fellow, eating pedo and stuff.