
luvduvbunny t1_iukajay wrote

Reply to comment by Equivalent-Ad-2576 in Help! by Equivalent-Ad-2576

Plenty of relationships do fine when it comes to porn. Relieves stress, try new things, etc.

Masturbating to blonde women doesn’t mean he doesn’t find you attractive. We all have body types and different characteristics that turn us on the most.


luvduvbunny t1_iuk975u wrote

So is porn your dealbreaker?

Why can’t your BF find blondes attractive?

It seems like you’re going to dump your BF because he was watching porn with blonde women

I get the lying aspect, but it seems like you’re starting fights because you’re insecure about your hair color


luvduvbunny t1_iuk2ngw wrote

I personally haven’t. But some key points

•Set a time frame

•Will both of you be able to see other people?

•How much texting/messaging will you two have?


luvduvbunny t1_iuk0hcc wrote

You need to end it with her

I’m going to be that asshole, but i don’t think she was abused by him. Why is she still constantly talking to him in the first place? Why is she going out of the country to visit him and his family?

Based on this information, it seems like she’s cheating on you. I mean come on! A vacation out of the country with his family?

Why would you put up with this? Both your GF and the ex are scumbags

I know I’m an asshole for doubting her abuse. No victim would ever do what your GF is doing


luvduvbunny t1_iujxvbr wrote

Reply to Please Help by [deleted]

You literally started dating 3 days ago. And it’s ONLINE.

You barely know the other person


luvduvbunny t1_iujxlvp wrote

You and your fiancé need to focus on yourself

I get that she will be apart of your family, but it doesn’t mean she gets to dictate your relationship.

She declared war on you. It’s best to not cause more drama. Your fiancé needs to side with you and stand up against her.

Him standing up against her doesn’t mean he is declaring war on her. It means that he respects you enough and loves you


luvduvbunny t1_iujsy42 wrote

Since he lied about the breakup time, what else has he lied about.

It seems like he’s not over his ex. He still has feelings for her.

If you knew that he had an ex-girlfriend 1 month before you met, would you have married him? Also why did you marry him in a very short time frame?


luvduvbunny t1_iujsgzz wrote

Damn in one week he left his shit at your place?

I would give him one last curtesy message as a warning. Just say you’re going to get rid of his shit in X days/weeks

After you get rid of his shit and he gets upset, tell him he had a long time to get it. If he left it with you for so long, it must’ve not been important


luvduvbunny t1_iujosc5 wrote

So you just got married 3 months ago?

Your husband was with his ex 2 years ago?

So your husband took pictures of him and his ex from 5 months ago?

If this is the case, then he cheated. Why would he be taking these passionate photos with his ex?

Please let me know if i got the timeline right


luvduvbunny t1_iuiv33d wrote

At this point in your life (being almost 30), you should be able to properly look out for your best interests. Maturity comes from life experiences, and you have over a decade of experience since becoming an adult.

People in their teens and early 20s are still maturing (will most likely be done at 25-26) and aren’t as stable as someone closer to 30. Your BF isn’t able to control you (as well) as opposed to someone who is 20.

Yes there are couples with unequal income, but that doesn’t mean there’s a power imbalance. You’re not dependent on your BF for everything.


luvduvbunny t1_iuirz26 wrote

This is a bit more acceptable (for me at least)

The age gap is inappropriate when it comes to teens and people in their early 20s because of maturity levels, grooming issues, and the potential for financial and/or emotional abuse (power dynamics).

For example, a 30 year old can easily abuse an 18 year old financially and emotionally. The 18 year old is barely an adult and doesn’t have much maturity and adult knowledge.

You’re almost 30 and the other person is in their mid-40s. I think it’s safe to safe youre both at a similar maturity level and there’s not a power dynamic


luvduvbunny t1_iuil5mb wrote

If you are 100% comfortable with telling your wife about the cuddling, then it’s not cheating

If your friend is 100% comfortable telling her husband, then it’s not cheating

However if either of you (one or both) aren’t comfortable, then you know it’s cheating

I personally would be pissed if i was your wife. I consider it cheating


luvduvbunny t1_iufyees wrote

Did you read what you wrote?

This guy started out nice to impress you. But it’s clear that he’s verbally abusive and has crossed sexual boundaries.

You’re standing up for yourself, and he’s making you out to be the bad guy. That’s what abusers do to their victims. You literally did nothing wrong

Get out


luvduvbunny t1_iufqe7l wrote

I’m genuinely sorry for you. I’m surprised the courts didn’t grant 50/50 custody.

It’s unfortunate that you’re spending more and more money on a kid that you barely see. It seems like you’ve tried your best for a decade

What comes with signing your rights away?


luvduvbunny t1_iuetc2h wrote

When it comes to breaks, typically y’all decide on how you approach them. Are you allowed to see other people? How long?

In this case since you have been ghosted for over a week, i think he dumped you.

You’re a free woman