
lyss9876 t1_j4iyk3a wrote

So this is really two issues, the insurance piece and the madman with a gun piece:

Insurance: IDK what kind of insurance policy your mom chose to have on the car, but the fact that you were driving it in general would not negate the policy. So file the insurance claim, provide the police report, and see how it shakes out. Since the other driver did not make physical contact with your car, I would bet on it being ruled a single-car at-fault accident on your part. r/legaladvice can give more thoughts on this part. Sucks, but that is not the end of the world, and is literally what insurance is for (insurance will still cover at-fault accidents, but your mom's rates might go up). Even if police do find the other driver, I wouldn't exactly count on someone that dumb having the forethought to get his own insurance anyway, so it's likely that your insurance will be the one footing the bill regardless of the at-fault finding.

Onto the madman with a gun piece: If this happened as described, then please do your part to get this guy off the streets. So make sure there are TWO police reports filed, 1 for the accident and 2 for the threatening with weapon. When the police say they need a subpoena to get the cameras, do they mean redlight cameras, or surveillance cams from local businesses? It might be worth going to the local businesses you passed, explaining what happened, and asking if any of them are willing to share their footage with police.

It's not OK that this happened, and I hope they find the guy.


lyss9876 t1_j3dufj9 wrote

I hope the people in the SUV are OK.

Had three cars pass me on 32 last night around 930, clearly racing, doing at least 110 given how fast they passed me. From your description, either they were the same ones and went to 29 next, or there are just a lot street racers in this area.

Also "moron speeds" is an entirely accurate description. IDGAF about normal speeding, until you hit moron speeds.


lyss9876 t1_iyat6og wrote

Baltimore Hunger Project

Their focus is feeding kids on weekends, when they can't get a meal at school, but they also collect new coats and winter gear for kids they serve.

Great question :) Happy Thanksgiving