
m1cr05t4t3 t1_jdp9gjj wrote

Oh I would totally buy a VR headset that replays my dreams. I would still write down two-words though to remind me of whoch 'movie' to pick.

(I would not want it to connect to the Internet though I'll do the updates with a USB or an SD card or something of a new version comes out).


m1cr05t4t3 t1_jdp34x3 wrote

Keep a small journal and a pen next to your bed. As soon as you wake up write down two words summing up what you were dreaming about. It's enough to allow you to remember the whole thing. You never lose your memories, just your ability to recall them. A little prompt hacking is often enough.


m1cr05t4t3 t1_j8wsjup wrote

Maybe after we develop enough AI and robots to replace the billions of humans worth of labor that is done everyday.. Otherwise in a few months you'll be figuring out what you take for granted real fast. Anyone who has tried to repair a rusty car will understand that without fresh parts life is not going to be easy. Problem is we live in a world where nothing lasts forever so the idea of just surviving on what's left behind is not really sustainable in the way most people think. You would probably spend most of your days just breaking down materials.