
m_i_c_r_o_b_i_a_l t1_j7lrlz0 wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in Cool trick by amynoacid

This isn’t a good idea with almost any oil based wood finish. This would leave a lot of oxygen in the container so it will solidify if you don’t use it in a few weeks.

I purge my finish cans with argon from my welder to keep the can usable longer. It’s cheaper than bloxigen at the wood working shops.

Also wipe up messes so your can doesn’t need the jaws of life to open them.


m_i_c_r_o_b_i_a_l t1_j7lqjv9 wrote

Reply to comment by Reddit-username_here in Cool trick by amynoacid

Finishes with drying oils like boiled linseed or tung are known for doing this. They self heat as they polymerize so a pile of them could heat up to the ignition temperature because the heat won’t escape. Placing them in a bucket with plenty of water prevents this by the thermal mass of the water and blocking the oxidation of the oil. Laying them flat away from each other also works by preventing the heat from building up.

Putting a flame or heat gun next to the finish isn’t such a great idea either. There’s often flammable chemicals in finishes beyond just the oils.


m_i_c_r_o_b_i_a_l t1_itwlbhi wrote

The basic building block is the transistor which is a kind of switch for electricity. The transistor is made from silicon (the rocks) mixed with stuff to get two silicon mixes. There are two basic kinds of this switch which are based on how you sandwich the silicon mixes. An analogy would be to have two types of push button switches with these behaviors

  • Button type 1: Push the button, a light turns on. Let go of the button the light turns off.
  • Button type 2: Push the button, the light turns off. Let go of the button the light turns on.

You can arrange these switches in certain combinations to make logic. One type of this logic could be turn on the light when one button is pushed, but not if two are pushed. It could also be turn on the light if either button is pushed. There is a variety of different combinations that can be made with just these two switch types. Those switches can in turn be fed into more switches to make more complex logic. In this analogy a computer program is just determining which buttons are pushed and when. The CPU is a few billion of these switches which arranged the right way allows for more complex things to happen.

There is a good set of videos by Ben Eater on youtube. He starts at one transistor and builds up some simple logic building blocks with a couple more. I learned a lot about why transistors put together in the correct way make the logic in computers work.

Here's one of his videos on how the transistor does its thing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXvAlwMAxiA

Here's another of his videos describing logic gates: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTu3LwpF6XI