>. For example, the largest Parque file I've cleaned in pandas was about 7 million rows and about 10gb in size of just text. It can run queries through it in a few seconds.
Still under that 15 day period. I wanted to get my hands on a machine instead of constantly wondering. What should I look out for to basically validate or discredit my decision over the next week?
Say if it comes to returning it, I'd be down to buying a 32 gb laptop without gpu, but a desktop gpu that I can plug n play and use accordingly.
macORnvidia OP t1_j0z24ie wrote
Reply to comment by sayoonarachu in laptop for Data Science and Scientific Computing: proart vs legion 7i vs thinkpad p16/p1-gen5 by macORnvidia
>. For example, the largest Parque file I've cleaned in pandas was about 7 million rows and about 10gb in size of just text. It can run queries through it in a few seconds.
Using rapids? Like cudf?