
maddcatone t1_jbksxe8 wrote

Really wish Tufa wasn’t so rare. I learned all to late how nice it is to use for terrariums, aquariums and decorative plantings/mountings. Moss also grows SOOO well on it. Alas mono lake is the only Place I know of where it can be found these days and you can’t collect it anymore. Artificial tufa sucks in comparison


maddcatone t1_j7dh2zx wrote

Problem is the overly conservative nature of this field of study could look at a perfect copy of earth around an exact copy of our star and still say some bullshit like “it’s probably not capable of sustaining life, despite the oxygen, the water, the temp, surface pressure, gravity, seasonal fluctuations etc.” i mean just look at the water studies from the apollo era to now. We had all the proof needed to say without any doubt that water was present not only on the moon but everywhere in space in the form of ice… yet astronomers and astrophysicists everywhere were adamant that water (ice or liquid) was rare despite all the evidence contrary. And any who weren’t were ridiculed as wishful thinkers and science fiction daydreamers