
malcior09 t1_jcq6puk wrote

Reply to Plant Life by Shicca

PLNTD is hands down the best plant shop around. Best variety, most helpful staff, and they will order in plants for you if they don’t have what you want in stock. I’ve have multiple plants from there and they repot your plants into pots for you at no charge which saves the mess at home. Plus they’re locally owned!


malcior09 t1_ja5g2yc wrote

Having a bad knee injury, I ended up needing the lift and my god it was a nightmare. It added 30 minutes to my commute, longer if there was a line for it. Total nightmare set up too with the constant push button. I’ll heal, but I can’t imagine how unbelievably awful this would be for anyone who might need a lift 24/7. Not to mention all the other ways JC is not ADA friendly.


malcior09 t1_ivk6ri1 wrote

Had my roof literally cave in and flood my apartment last year because Dixon didn’t respond to my requests to repair a leaking roof, so I wouldn’t hold your breath unless it goes catastrophic. They didn’t do anything until there were three inches of water on the floor and a three foot hole in the roof. Also didn’t have heat or hot water for three weeks in the winter with no response from them. Threaten to not pay the rent as per another comment, that’s the only thing that worked for us.


malcior09 t1_ird5do2 wrote

Reply to comment by Jdpetrova in Weekend PATH service by ah73911

The right broker is the best thing you can have, especially with the rental market being such a nightmare. We found our broker, Ignacio, on renthop and he showed us a ton of places and helped us find the right spot