
malphonso t1_jaw1fl2 wrote

In addition to the court costs, there's the addition housing costs associated with death row. A normal housing unit may have 50 or 60 inmates in a dorm to two guards. A death row unit will have 10-1 man cells to 1 guard. Even if there's only one death row inmate. Getting close to execution it will be one guard watching that one inmate separate from other housing units.


malphonso t1_jaw0z8b wrote

They argue that it's different because they're executing an adult that made bad choices and is facing the consequences. While taking a pill to induce miscarriage is killing a poor innocent baby.

They even extend this logic to pregnancies, resulting from rape. They can't be aborted because that would be "punishing an innocent child for the actions of someone else."


malphonso t1_j7wnqq7 wrote

Since we knew it was coming before it got here, probably not much.

There is something to gain from seeing what questions a potential adversary is asking, though. So let it go a bit, hiding what needs to be hidden before it arrives, see if you can jam any transmissions it's making. See what China wants to know without giving anything away. Then, when you know what you need to, down it and collect the technology.


malphonso t1_j3fdpq8 wrote

Source on using the MS River

I'll confess that I was repeating the same thing I've always been told about NOLA water taste ranking, which is from 1984

But I'll offer this weaksauce of a travel blog ranking water taste and purity, (which puts us at 16.]


malphonso t1_j2wlcbo wrote

There's absolutely no excuse for that. When we take someone into our care, the first step is to put a hospital style tag around their ankle. On it is their name and date of death. We do that in their homes before we even lift them onto a stretcher.

In addition, we ask the families to bring in an ID or photo of the decedent so we can have something to compare them to at every step.