
manicmonday122 t1_jaqjc70 wrote

Of course, they want to avoid lawsuits, but Emtala is a very costly one. The issue for the cops or social worker is the hospital just medically cleared her and said they wouldn't take her back. I don't know if there was another hospital in the city but that leaves very few options for the social worker or cops!


manicmonday122 t1_jao0jbk wrote

In the video the cops tell her the hospital refused to let her back in because they medically cleared her. Tough spot to be in with little to no medical background when the physician says there is nothing wrong with her. IMO they should have called the rescue to evaluate her one she stated she couldn’t breath or before. Let the medics argue with the Dr. or transport her to another facility. The current system is totally fucked. ER wait times 10 to 20 hours on a regular basis just to get back into a room.


manicmonday122 t1_is6fc11 wrote

I'll take her over McKee any day of the week. This state is known around the country for corrupt politicians and McKee is keeping right up with the tradition. He has no ideas, he is the reason the Pawsox left, and now he signs on with Grebien for Tidewater Landing which everyone says will cost the taxpayers millions in additional taxes because it will never self-sustain itself. He is also going to toll passenger vehicles when he loses in court for the truck tolls.


manicmonday122 t1_is2q1k2 wrote

McKee is what is wrong with this State, just a good old boy. There is a very good chance that he will be removed or forced to resign with the FBI investigation. At least Kalus has some ideas. McKee is just an empty suit.
