
manual84 t1_jc4orst wrote

Same. It feels like a lose lose situation to be honest, and if that is the case then I don't understand why not just stick with CMP. And also, why not redirect our anger and frustrations to the PUC and elected officials? We have these regulatory bodies in place why not use them?


manual84 t1_j5tu7jz wrote

I commented this in a different thread about CMP but the tinfoil hat conspiracy thinking about "CMP punishing us" has got to stop. It distracts us from being level-headed and rational about a way forward. It's just not the case! I don't need to clarify the rate increase because everyone else already has noted it's on the supply side but I am just so sad to see people continue to get so distracted by their feelings about CMP which don't match up with reality.


manual84 t1_j5ttwbm wrote

I hate that these ballot issues get turned into emotional ones "are you mad at CMP?" is how people will vote which should be irrelevant. Also, quite frankly, I have a feeling most Mainers don't give a shit whether or not they own the means of production. Most people just want to see lower rates at the end of the day. Is Pine Tree Power gonna give us that? I don't feel optimistic about it, personally, and I think everyone underestimates the total cost as well as the time the transfer will take, as there's a 100% chance it will end up in the courts. It kind of feels like a lose lose situation all around which makes me feel like our best bet is trying to get the PUC to be a little more functional as a regulatory body so that we can work with CMP to keep things working for everyone. But I am probably alone in this and can now look forward to people yelling at me for being some CMP shill or something. Which brings me back to my first point... we have got to remove our emotions from the equation and think logically and practically. Not that that will EVER happen, but it sure would be nice.


manual84 t1_j5tsumm wrote

Sorry I just can't get on board with the constant conspiratorial thinking that CMP punished us for voting against the corridor -- I'm not trying to defend them either but that's just a little too tinfoil hat for me. Legally they can't -- despite what we think they are held to certain standards and the PUC has to approve rate hikes (I know, I know "the PUC is in bed with CMP" etc) so it would probably do us all a lot better to think about this situation a little more rationally.


manual84 t1_j1vn71r wrote

Normal taxpaying Mainer here... not sure this is the right place to argue politics or try to change minds but I spend most of my time on Reddit on snark pages so who am I to talk. Just want to offer a different perspective, which is that I don't think CMP is perfect but I also don't think the Pine Tree Power plan is written in a way that's gonna deliver what they're promising. I also worry it's gonna just take too long (not to mention eventual litigation) and cost too damn much and by the time all is said an down we'll be mired in bills that are the same as today AND we'll still be wading in the mess of fossil fuels while the planet crumbles further. Not suggesting I have a better solution either, but wanted to offer my perspective.


manual84 t1_iykfqch wrote

As a Mainer turned Californian returned Mainer, I can confirm that Tacos La Poblanita are the ONLY good low key Mexican in Maine. Better than Taco Trio, better than Bird&Co, better than El Corazon, you name it. Regards and Terlingua are good elevated Mexican/Tex Mex, but La Poblanita comes closest to my LA favorites.